Using the SUBGROUP variable
is similar to using the X and Y variables with data system coordinates
to position the graphics elements in subgroup segments in vertical
and horizontal bar charts. For example, in a vertical bar chart that
produces a bar for each city in a data set, you can easily label the
subgroups in each bar by setting
subgroup-variable to the GCHART variable by which the bar is being subgrouped. This
variable provides the
y coordinate
of the label (so do not specify a competing value for y, but instead
y=. or
The MIDPOINT variable
works well with the SUBGROUP variable to provide the
x coordinate. In this example, if you set the
MIDPOINT variable to the GCHART variable that contains the names of
the cities, the MIDPOINT variable provides your
x coordinate. Rather than providing the X and
Y variables, you would use the SUBGROUP and MIDPOINT variables.
Using the SUBGROUP Variable to Position a Label in a Bar Chart shows how the SUBGROUP variable works with the MIDPOINT
variable to label the bars of a vertical bar chart.
The label showing the
number of printers sold in Atlanta is positioned by the values that
are assigned to these Annotate variables:
variable in the GCHART data set)
variable in the GCHART data set)