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The GPROJECT Procedure

Example 1: Using Default Projection Specifications

Procedure features:

ID statement

Sample library member: GPJDEFLT

This example demonstrates the effect of using PROC GPROJECT on an unprojected map data set without specifying any options. Because the PROJECT= option is not used in the PROC GPROJECT statement, the Albers' equal-area projection method is used by default. PROC GPROJECT supplies defaults for the standard parallels that minimize the distortion of the projected map areas.

Map before Projection (GPJDEFLT(a))

[Map before projection]

Map before Projection (GPJDEFLT(a)) illustrates the output produced by the US48 map data set, which contains unprojected values in the X and Y variables. The US48 Data Set shows the variables in the data set.

The US48 Data Set

                            US48 Data Set

           OBS    STATE    SEGMENT    DENSITY       X          Y

             1      1         1          3       1.48221    0.56286
             2      1         1          3       1.48226    0.56234
             3      1         1          3       1.48304    0.56231

The GPROJECT procedure is used with the US48 map data set as input to create the projected map data set, US48PROJ. The values for X and Y in this new data set are projected (Cartesian). The US48PROJ Data Set shows the variables in the data set.

The US48PROJ Data Set

                             US48PROJ Data Set

          OBS       X           Y        DENSITY    STATE    SEGMENT

            1    0.16068    -0.073470       3         1         1
            2    0.16069    -0.073993       3         1         1
            3    0.16004    -0.074097       3         1         1

The new projected map data set, US48PROJ, is used to create the projected map, Map after Projection (GPJDEFLT(b)).

Map after Projection (GPJDEFLT(b))

[Map after projection]

 Note about code
goptions reset=all border;
 Note about code
data us48;
   set maps.states;
   if state ne 2 and state ne 15 and state ne 72;
 Note about code
title "United States Map";
 Note about code
pattern value=mempty color=blue;
 Note about code
proc gmap map=us48 data=us48 all density=4;
   id state;
   choro state / nolegend levels=1;
 Note about code
proc gproject data=us48
   id state;
 Note about code
proc gmap map=us48proj
          data=us48proj all density=4;
   id state;
   choro state / nolegend levels=1;

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