Procedure features: |
PLOT classification
variable |
PLOT statement
options: |
Other features: |
GOPTIONS statement option:
AXIS statement |
statement |
RUN-group processing |
Sample library
member: |
![[Plotting Three Variables]](images/gplvrbl2.gif)
example shows that when your data contain a classification
variable that groups the data, you can use a plot request of the form y-variable*x-variable=third-variable to
generate a separate plot for every value
of the classification variable, which in this case is CITY. With this type
of request, all plots are drawn on the same graph and a legend is automatically
produced which identifies the values of third-variable.
The default legend uses the variable name CITY for the legend label and the
variable values for the legend value descriptions.
This example then modifies the plot request. As shown
in the following output, the plot is enhanced by using different symbol definitions
and colors for each plot line, changing axes labels, and scaling the vertical
axes differently.
![[Enhanced 3-Variable Plot]](images/gplvrbl2b.gif)
![Note about code](../../../../common/63294/HTML/default/images/snbut.gif) |
goptions reset=all border; |
![Note about code](../../../../common/63294/HTML/default/images/snbut.gif) |
data citytemp;
input month faren city $ @@;
1 40.5 Raleigh 1 12.2 Minn
1 52.1 Phoenix 2 42.2 Raleigh
2 16.5 Minn 2 55.1 Phoenix
3 49.2 Raleigh 3 28.3 Minn
3 59.7 Phoenix 4 59.5 Raleigh
4 45.1 Minn 4 67.7 Phoenix
5 67.4 Raleigh 5 57.1 Minn
5 76.3 Phoenix 6 74.4 Raleigh
6 66.9 Minn 6 84.6 Phoenix
7 77.5 Raleigh 7 71.9 Minn
7 91.2 Phoenix 8 76.5 Raleigh
8 70.2 Minn 8 89.1 Phoenix
9 70.6 Raleigh 9 60.0 Minn
9 83.8 Phoenix 10 60.2 Raleigh
10 50.0 Minn 10 72.2 Phoenix
11 50.0 Raleigh 11 32.4 Minn
11 59.8 Phoenix 12 41.2 Raleigh
12 18.6 Minn 12 52.5 Phoenix
; |
![Note about code](../../../../common/63294/HTML/default/images/snbut.gif) |
title1 "Average Monthly Temperature";
footnote1 j=l " Source: 1984 American Express";
footnote2 j=l " Appointment Book"
; |
![Note about code](../../../../common/63294/HTML/default/images/snbut.gif) |
symbol1 interpol=join
; |
![Note about code](../../../../common/63294/HTML/default/images/snbut.gif) |
proc gplot data= citytemp;
plot faren*month=city / hminor=0;
run; |
![Note about code](../../../../common/63294/HTML/default/images/snbut.gif) |
footnote2 j=l "Appointment Book"
; |
![Note about code](../../../../common/63294/HTML/default/images/snbut.gif) |
symbol1 interpol=spline width=2 value=triangle c=steelblue
symbol2 interpol=spline width=2 value=circle c=indigo
symbol3 interpol=spline width=2 value=square c=orchid
; |
![Note about code](../../../../common/63294/HTML/default/images/snbut.gif) |
axis1 label=none
value=("JAN" "FEB" "MAR" "APR" "MAY" "JUN"
"JUL" "AUG" "SEP" "OCT" "NOV" "DEC")
order = 1 to 12 by 1
axis2 label=("Degrees" justify=right "Fahrenheit")
order=(0 to 100 by 10)
; |
![Note about code](../../../../common/63294/HTML/default/images/snbut.gif) |
legend1 label=none value=(tick=1 "Minneapolis"); |
![Note about code](../../../../common/63294/HTML/default/images/snbut.gif) |
plot faren*month=city /
haxis=axis1 hminor=0
vaxis=axis2 vminor=1
quit; |
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