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Graphics Options and Device Parameters Dictionary


Sets the horizontal offset from the lower-left corner of the display area to the lower-left corner of the graph.
Used in: GOPTIONS statement; GDEVICE procedure; GDEVICE Detail window
Restriction: not supported by Java or ActiveX
See also: VORIGIN



HORIGIN=horizontal-offset <IN | CM | PT>

horizontal-offset <IN | CM | PT>

must be a nonnegative number and can be followed by a unit specification, either IN for inches (default), or CM for centimeters, or PT for points. If you do not specify HORIGIN, a default offset is searched for in this order:

  1. the left margin specification on an OPTIONS LEFTMARGIN setting

  2. HORIGIN setting in the device catalog.


The display area is defined by the XMAX and YMAX device parameters. By default, the origin of the graphics output area is the lower-left corner of the display area; the graphics output is offset from the lower-left corner of the display area by the values of HORIGIN and VORIGIN. HORIGIN + HSIZE cannot exceed XMAX.

Note:   When sending output to the PRINTER destination (ODS PRINTER), if you specify the VSIZE= option without specifying the HSIZE= option, the default origin of the graphics output area changes. The default placement of the graph changes from the lower-left corner of the display area to the top-center of the graphics output area. Likewise, if you specify the HSIZE= option without specifying the VSIZE= option, the graph is positioned at the top-center of the graphics output area by default.  [cautionend]

See The Graphics Output and Device Display Areas for details.

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