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DATA Step Graphics Interface Dictionary


Opens a graphics segment for output
Operating States: WSAC
Return Codes: 0, 3, 301, 302
Resulting Operating State: SGOP

Argument Definitions
See Also


return-code-variable=GRAPH ('CLEAR'<, name> <, des><, byline>);


The GRAPH('CLEAR', . . . ) function opens a graphics segment for output in the current catalog. The first parameter, 'CLEAR', is the only required one. The values of name, des, and byline are displayed in catalog listings and in catalog information in the GREPLAY procedure.

If the name specified is an existing graph, DSGI adds a suffix number to the name. If PIE is chosen for the name and it already exists, DSGI names the output PIE1; the next time the code is submitted, DSGI names the output PIE2, and so forth.

This function moves the operating state from WSAC to SGOP.

Argument Definitions


character string enclosed in quotes or character variable name; gives a name to the graph to be opened. If name is not specified, DSGI assigns the graph a name that is some form of DSGI: for example, DSGI, DSGI1, and DSGI2.


character string enclosed in quotes or character variable name; gives a description to the graph to be opened. If des is not specified, DSGI assigns the following description to the catalog entry: Graph from DATA Step Graphics Interface.

BY line

character string enclosed in quotes or character variable name; gives another line of description for the graph. The byline appears under the titles on the graph. DSGI does not provide a default byline.

See Also



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