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Annotate Dictionary

ANGLE Variable

Specifies the angle at which the graphics output is drawn.
Type: numeric
Default: function dependent



ANGLE= angle-value;


The ANGLE variable is function dependent.

If function is... then the ANGLE variable specifies...
ARROW the angle of the tip of the arrowhead. You can specify any number value. If the angle that you specify is not between 0 and 180, the absolute value of mod(angle-value,180) is used. For example, the values -45, 45, and 225 all produce the same result. The default value is 30.
LABEL the baseline angle of the character string with respect to the horizontal. With the LABEL function, the pivot point is at (X,Y) and the direction of rotation is counterclockwise. The valid values are from 0 to 360. The default value is 0.
PIE the starting angle of the slice arc, measured counterclockwise. The valid values are from -360 to 360. The default for the first PIE function is ANGLE=0 (horizontal, or 3:00 postion), or is the ending point of the arc of the previous slice. Specify a value for the ANGLE variable if you want the next slice to start at an angle that is different from the edge of the previous slice, or if you want the first slice to start at an angle other than horizontal.
PIEXY the angle that works with the SIZE variable to establish the new XLAST, YLAST point relative to the last pie element established with the PIE or PIECNTR functions. The angle is measured counterclockwise starting at the 3:00 position. The default value is 0.

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