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Controlling The Appearance of Your Graphs

Specifying a Style

Changing the Current Style by Using the STYLE= Option in ODS Destination Statements

Changing the current style for an ODS destination is the easiest, simplest way of changing the appearance of your output. Changing the current style requires only the use of the STYLE= option in an ODS destination statement. By specifying only STYLE=style-definition in your ODS destination statement, you can create an entirely different appearance for your graphs. For example, you can specify that ODS apply the Styles.Journal style template to all HTML output with one of the following statements:

ods html style=styles.journal;
ods html style=journal;

This style is applied to all output for that destination until you change or close the destination or start a new SAS session.

Changing the Default Style in the SAS Registry

By default, the SAS registry applies a default style to the output for each ODS destination. The default styles for each destination are listed in Default Style Templates. To permanently change the default style associated with a destination, you can change the setting of Selected Style in the SAS registry.

If you make a mistake when you modify the SAS registry, then your system might become unstable or unusable.

See Managing the SAS Registry in SAS Language Reference: Concepts.   [cautionend]

Note:   You many have more than one SAS registry. Each site has a SAS registry in SASHELP. Each directory from which you run SAS has an individual registry in SASUSER. If you run SAS from multiple locations, and you want to change default styles via the SAS registry, you might need to change it in multiple locations. For more information, see The SAS Registry in SAS Language Reference: Concepts.  [cautionend]

For more information on ODS and the SAS registry, see Changing SAS Registry Settings for ODS in SAS Output Delivery System: User's Guide.

To permanently change the default style for a particular destination:

  1. Select Solutions [arrow] Accessories [arrow] Registry Editor, or issue the command REGEDIT in the SAS command line.

  2. Select ODS [arrow] Destinations.

  3. Select the destination that you want to change the default style for.

  4. Select Selected Style, right-click, and select Modify. The Edit String Value window appears.

  5. Type the style in the Value Data text box and click OK.

SAS Registry Showing Selected Style Setting

[SAS Registry Showing Selected Style Setting]

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