MAPSSAS= System Option

Specifies the location of the SAS library that contains SAS/GRAPH non-digital map data sets. The libref MAPSSAS is assigned using the option value specified by the MAPSSAS system option.
Valid in: Configuration file and SAS invocation
Category: Graphics: Driver settings
Restriction: This option cannot be saved to the SAS registry by using the OPTSAVE procedure. Nor can it be saved by using the DMOPTSAVE command in the SAS windowing environment.
Note: This option can be restricted by a site administrator. For more information, see Restricted Options in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description

On the command line or in a configuration file, the syntax is specific to your operating environment. For more information, see the SAS documentation for your operating environment.

specifies either a physical path, an environment variable, or the MAPSSAS libref to locate the SAS non-digital vector map data sets to use with SAS/GRAPH. The option value can consist of up to 2048 characters. Upper or lower case characters are accepted as entered. Though not required, if you specify start and end quotes or parentheses, these are accepted and retained as part of the option’s value.
Note:The configuration file at installation time sets the MAPSSAS= and the MAPS= option values to the same physical name (path). The MAPSSAS= option value should not be reassigned.