Draws a rectangle
Operating state: SGOP


return-code-variable=GDRAW('BAR', x1, y1, x2, y2);

Required Arguments

numeric constant or numeric variable name; refers to the x coordinate of one corner of the bar.
numeric constant or numeric variable name; refers to the y coordinate of one corner of the bar.
numeric constant or numeric variable name; refers to the x coordinate of the corner of the bar that is diagonally opposite to the corner of (x1,y1).
numeric constant or numeric variable name; refers to the y coordinate of the corner of the bar that is diagonally opposite to the corner of (x1,y1).

Return Codes

This function returns:
0, 4, 76, 79, 80, or 86. See Return Codes for DSGI Routines and Functions.


The GDRAW('BAR', . . . ) function draws a rectangular bar whose sides are parallel to the sides of the display area. The fill attributes and bundles affect the appearance of this graphics element. See DATA Step Graphics Interface Routines for a list of these attributes. Points That Draw a Bar illustrates the arguments used with GDRAW('BAR', . . . ).
Points That Draw a Bar
Points that Draw a Box