FedSQL Statements by Category

Category Language Elements Description
Data Control BEGIN Statement Marks the beginning of a transaction that comprises multiple statements.
COMMIT Statement Makes changes that have been performed since the start of a transaction a permanent part of the database.
ROLLBACK Statement Rolls back transaction changes to the beginning of the transaction.
Data Definition ALTER TABLE Statement Adds or drops table columns and modifies column definitions.
CREATE INDEX Statement Creates an index on columns in a specified table.
CREATE TABLE Statement Creates a new table.
CREATE VIEW Statement Creates a view of data from one or more tables or other views.
DESCRIBE TABLE Statement Retrieves SQL from a table and returns a result set.
DESCRIBE VIEW Statement Retrieves SQL from a view and returns a result set.
DROP INDEX Statement Removes the specified index from a table.
DROP TABLE Statement Removes a table from the database.
DROP VIEW Statement Removes a view from the database.
SELECT Statement Retrieves columns and rows of data from tables.
Data Manipulation DELETE Statement Deletes rows from a table.
INSERT Statement Adds rows to a specified table.
SELECT Statement Retrieves columns and rows of data from tables.
UPDATE Statement Modifies a column's values in existing rows of a table.
FedSQL Pass-through EXECUTE Statement Sends a DBMS-specific SQL statement to a DBMS that FedSQL supports.
Last updated: February 23, 2017