Metric Chart Examples

Adding a Saved Chart Portlet

The Saved Chart portlet displays a rotation of all of the resource metric charts that you have saved. The process of creating this type of portlet consists of navigating to the resources that you want to chart, finding the metric charts that you want to display, and saving them to your dashboard. When you create the portlet, all of your saved charts automatically appear. Here are the basic steps for adding a metric viewer portlet to your Dashboard page.
  1. On the right side of the Dashboard page, select Metric Viewer in the Add Content to this column field and click the Add icon portlet add icon. A blank Metric Viewer portlet is added to your Dashboard.
    blank metric viewer portlet
  2. Click the Configuration icon portlet configuration icon to display the Dashboard Settings page for the portlet.
    dashboard settings
  3. On the Dashboard Settings page, specify a name for the portlet in the Description field. Select the type of resource that you want to monitor in the Resource Type field and the information that you want to display in the Metric field. The values available in the Metric field change depending on what you select in the Resource Type field.
  4. In the Selected Resources area, click Add to List to display the Add/Remove Resources page.
    add resources page
  5. To display the resources that you want to use for the metric, specify values in the View and Filter By Name fields. If you specify a value in the Filter By Name field, click the go icon to filter the table contents.
  6. In the Resources table, select the check boxes for the resources that you want to use in the metric. Click the add button to move the resources to the Add Resources list.
  7. After you select the resources that you want to use in the Add/Remove Resources window, click OK to return to the Dashboard Settings page. Click OK to create the portlet and add it to your Dashboard page.

Creating a Free Memory Chart

To create a chart of the free memory on a server and save that chart to your dashboard, follow these steps.
  1. On the SAS Environment Manager menu bar, select Resourcesthen selectBrowse.
  2. On the Resources page, select Platforms.
  3. In the table of resources, click on the name of your server to display the resource detail page.
  4. On the resource detail page, one of the displayed metric charts is Free Memory. Click on the name of the chart to display the Metric Chart page.
    selecting free memory metric chart
  5. On the Metric Chart page, select Save Chart to Dashboards.
    metric chart page
  6. The Save Chart to Dashboards dialog box appears. Select the dashboards on which the saved chart should appear. Click Add to save the chart.
    dashboard selections

Creating a Number of Spawned Servers Chart

To create a chart of the current number of spawned servers and save that chart to your dashboard, follow these steps.
  1. On the SAS Environment Manager menu bar, select Resourcesthen selectBrowse.
  2. On the Resources page, in the All Server Types field, select SAS Object Spawner 9.4 and then click on the arrow go icon at the right of the filter fields.
  3. In the table of resources, click on the name of the object spawner to display the resource detail page.
  4. On the resource detail page, one of the displayed metric charts is Current Servers. Click on the name of the chart to display the Metric Chart page.
    current servers chart
  5. On the Metric Chart page, select Save Chart to Dashboards.
  6. The Save Chart to Dashboards dialog box appears. Select the dashboards on which the saved chart should appear. Click Add to save the chart.

Creating a Metadata Users Chart

To create a chart of the current number of users per minute of the SAS Metadata Server and save that chart to your dashboard, follow these steps.
  1. On the SAS Environment Manager menu bar, select Resourcesthen selectBrowse.
  2. On the Resources page, in the All Server Types field, select SAS Metadata Server 9.4 and then click on the arrow go icon at the right of the filter fields.
  3. In the table of resources, click on the name of the metadata server to display the resource detail page.
  4. On the left side of the resource detail page, select All Metrics from the menu.
    selecting all metrics
  5. In the table of metrics, find Total Clients per Minute and position your mouse cursor over the information icon information bubble icon. The metric information tooltip appears.
    metric tooltip
  6. On the tooltip, select View Full Chart. The Metric Chart page appears.
  7. On the Metric Chart page, select Save Chart to Dashboards.
  8. The Save Chart to Dashboards dialog box appears. Select the dashboards on which the saved chart should appear. Click Add to save the chart.

Adding a Saved Charts Portlet

Follow these steps to add a portlet that displays the charts that you have saved.
  1. Click Dashboard on the menu bar.
  2. On the left side of the Dashboard page, select Saved Charts in the Add Content to this column field and click the Add icon portlet add icon.
    A Saved Charts portlet is added to your Dashboard and automatically displays a slideshow of the charts that you previously saved.
    saved chart portlet
  3. To change how long each chart is displayed or the time period displayed on the chart, click the Configuration icon portlet configuration icon.
    chart configuration
Last updated: February 22, 2018