To export events, you
must create an event exporter service.
Platforms, and then select the platform on which you want to
create the service.
On the detail page for
the selected platform, select
Tools Menu
New Platform Service.
On the New
Service page, specify a name for the service and select SAS
Event Exporter in the Service Type field.
Click OK to define the service.
Services, and then select the SAS Event Exporter service that
you just defined
The detail page for
the service displays a message indicating that the service has not
been configured. Click the Configuration Properties link.
On the Configuration
Properties page, select the exporter.enable check
box to turn on event exporting. Click OK to
save the configuration.
Specify the user ID
and password of a SAS Environment Manager user that is used to query
events. The user must be a member of the Super User role.
In the exporter.filename field,
specify the filename and location where event records are to be written.
You need to point your third-party monitoring application to this
location in order to read events as they are recorded. Click OK to
save the configuration.
The format of an exported
event is as follows:
The date is
specified as yyyy-MM-dd.
The time is
specified as HH:mm:ss.
The msglevel must
be one of these values: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG.
Here is an example of
an exported event:
2014-08-06T14:59:20-0400|WARN|EMI Framework|emiInit ran with -f force option