Users in SAS Environment
Manager are mapped to users created in SAS metadata. During installation,
three user groups are created in SAS metadata to contain SAS Environment
Manager users. Users that are members of these groups are mapped to
user definitions in SAS Environment Manager with corresponding roles.
The user groups and their corresponding roles are as follows:
Group name in SAS metadata
Role in SAS Environment
For example, users added
to the group SAS_EV_Guest are added as users in SAS Environment Manager
under the Guest role when the users are synchronized.
When you install SAS
Environment Manager 2.1, all existing SAS Environment Manager user
definitions are automatically added to the SAS_EV_Guest group in metadata.
After the existing users have been added to the SAS_EV_Guest group,
use SAS Management Console to modify the user definitions or assign
the users to other SAS_EV groups in metadata.
After you have defined
new users in SAS metadata, sign on to SAS Environment Manager, and
Users. User definitions are created for
all users that are defined in the three SAS_EV groups in metadata.
Any SAS Environment Manager users that are not associated with user
definitions in metadata are deleted.
If you sign on to SAS
Environment Manager using a user ID that is defined in metadata, is
a member of one of the SAS_EV groups, but is not defined in SAS Environment
Manager, then a user definition is automatically created in SAS Environment
Manager and assigned to the correct role.
To create a new SAS
Environment Manager user, use an application such as SAS Management
Console to define the user and assign it to the appropriate SAS_EV
user group, and then select
Synchronize Users to create
the user in SAS Environment Manager and assign the user to the proper
An internal account,
sasevs (sasevs@saspw), is also created during installation. This account
is assigned to the SAS_EV_Guest group. The account is used for communications
between the SAS Environment Manager agent and server and enables plugins
to access the SAS Metadata Server. The internal account sasadm@saspw
is the default account for signing on to SAS Environment Manager.
The SAS Logon
Manager is used to control the process of logging on to SAS Environment
Manager. The application uses the same authentication process and
authentication provider as the other SAS web applications.