Creating SAS Middle-Tier Administrator IDs

Administrators for SAS middle-tier servers must be defined in SAS metadata as well as in SAS Environment Manager. To create a middle-tier administrator user ID, follow these steps:
  1. Use the User Manager plug-in in SAS Management Console to create a user definition for a middle-tier administrator.
  2. Assign the user to the SAS_EV_AppServer_Tier user group. This group is created during the installation and configuration process.
  3. Log on to SAS Environment Manager using the sasevs@saspw credentials, which is the default administrative identity.
  4. Click Managethen selectSynchronize Users to synchronize the SAS Environment Manager users with the SAS metadata users..
  5. Click List Users to view the list of all users.
  6. Locate the entry in the user table for the new user and click the user name entry to display the Properties page.
  7. In the Roles Assigned To section, verify that the user is assigned to the SAS App Tier role.