The SASEFRED Interface Engine

Example 48.8 Series for a Specific Release with the URL= Option

The following statements demonstrate how to use the URL= option to obtain the SERIES and SERIESS data sets for a specified release and how to create a permanent data set named SERIES2 in the MyLib SAS library:

title 'Specifying the URL= Option to Create the SERIES Data Set';
libname _all_ clear;

libname fred2 sasefred "%sysget(FRED)"

data series2;
   set fred2.XFREDtpu;
proc contents
title3 "First 5/Last 5 Obs, SERIES2 Data Set";

The returned data are stored in the XFREDTPU data set and are copied to the permanent data set named series2.sas7bdat in the MyLib library. A side effect of the DATA step is the automatic creation of two SAS data sets named series.sas7bdat and seriess.sas7bdat in the FRED2 library’s location. Fifty-seven series are returned for release_id=51; Output 48.8.1 shows the first and last five observations of the SERIES data set.

Output 48.8.1: Specifying the URL= Option to Create the SERIES Data Set—First 5 and Last 5 Observations

Specifying the URL= Option to Create the SERIES Data Set

Obs seriess_ORDINAL series_ORDINAL series_id series_realtime_start series_realtime_end series_title series_observation_start series_observation_end series_frequency series_frequency_short series_units series_units_short series_seasonal_adjustment series_seasonal_adjustment_short series_last_updated series_popularity series_notes
1 1 1 BOMTVLM133S 2015-03-19 2015-03-19 U.S. Imports of Services - Travel 1992-01-01 2015-01-01 Monthly M Million of Dollars Mil. of $ Seasonally Adjusted SA 2015-03-06 07:56:13-06 0  
2 1 2 BOMVGMM133S 2015-03-19 2015-03-19 U.S. Imports of Services - U.S. Government Misc. Services (DISCONTINUED) 1992-01-01 2013-12-01 Monthly M Millions of Dollars Mil. of $ Seasonally Adjusted SA 2014-10-20 09:27:37-05 0 BEA has introduced new table presentations, including a new presentation of services, as part of a comprehensive restructuring of BEA’s international economic accounts.For more information see
3 1 3 BOMVJMM133S 2015-03-19 2015-03-19 U.S. Imports of Services - Direct Defense Expenditures (DISCONTINUED) 1992-01-01 2013-12-01 Monthly M Millions of Dollars Mil. of $ Seasonally Adjusted SA 2014-10-20 09:26:44-05 0 BEA has introduced new table presentations, including a new presentation of services, as part of a comprehensive restructuring of BEA’s international economic accounts.For more information see
4 1 4 BOMVMPM133S 2015-03-19 2015-03-19 U.S. Imports of Services - Passenger Fares 1992-01-01 2015-01-01 Monthly M Million of Dollars Mil. of $ Seasonally Adjusted SA 2015-03-06 07:56:13-06 0  
5 1 5 BOMVOMM133S 2015-03-19 2015-03-19 U.S. Imports of Services - Other Private Services (DISCONTINUED) 1992-01-01 2013-12-01 Monthly M Million of Dollars Mil. of $ Seasonally Adjusted SA 2014-10-20 09:25:54-05 0 BEA has introduced new table presentations, including a new presentation of services, as part of a comprehensive restructuring of BEA’s international economic accounts.For more information see
6 1 53 ITXMARM133S 2015-03-19 2015-03-19 U.S. Exports of Services: Maintenance and Repair Services, not included elsewhere 1999-01-01 2015-01-01 Monthly M Millions of Dollars Mil. of $ Seasonally Adjusted SA 2015-03-06 08:16:02-06 0  
7 1 54 ITXOBSM133S 2015-03-19 2015-03-19 U.S. Exports of Services: Other Business Services 1999-01-01 2015-01-01 Monthly M Millions of Dollars Mil. of $ Seasonally Adjusted SA 2015-03-06 08:16:02-06 0  
8 1 55 ITXTAEM133S 2015-03-19 2015-03-19 U.S. Exports of Services: Travel (for All Purposes Including Education) 1999-01-01 2015-01-01 Monthly M Millions of Dollars Mil. of $ Seasonally Adjusted SA 2015-03-06 08:16:02-06 0  
9 1 56 ITXTCIM133S 2015-03-19 2015-03-19 U.S. Exports of Services: Telecommunications, Computer, and Information Services 1999-01-01 2015-01-01 Monthly M Millions of Dollars Mil. of $ Seasonally Adjusted SA 2015-03-06 08:16:02-06 0  
10 1 57 ITXTRAM133S 2015-03-19 2015-03-19 U.S. Exports of Services: Transport 1999-01-01 2015-01-01 Monthly M Millions of Dollars Mil. of $ Seasonally Adjusted SA 2015-03-06 08:16:02-06 0