This example shows how to retrieve header information about group data and how to obtain a list of all the available INDNO keys in the IND database. The INDNO= option is intentionally omitted so that a default list is generated of all of the INDNOs in the database that are available for SETID 440.
title 'Retrieve Header Information for a Complete INDNO list'; libname _all_ clear; libname crsp sasexccm "\\bb04smb01\thirdparty\lnx\crspdata\DIZ201006\" setid=440 itemlist="INDNOG.*;INDCOG.*;INDNAMEG.*;GROUPNAMEG.*"; data dgindts_all; set crsp.indhdrg; run; proc print data=dgindts_all(keep=kyindno indnameg); run;
Retrieve Header Information for a Complete INDNO list |
1 | 1000012 | CRSP NYSE Market Capitalization Deciles |
2 | 1000032 | CRSP Amex Market Capitalization Deciles |
3 | 1000052 | CRSP NYSE/Amex Market Capitalization Deciles |
4 | 1000072 | CRSP Nasdaq Market Capitalization Deciles |
5 | 1000092 | CRSP NYSE/Amex/Nasdaq Market Capitalization Deciles |
6 | 1000112 | CRSP NYSE/Amex Beta Deciles |
7 | 1000132 | CRSP NYSE/Amex Standard Deviation Deciles |
8 | 1000152 | CRSP Nasdaq Beta Deciles |
9 | 1000172 | CRSP Nasdaq Standard Deviation Deciles |
Note: This procedure is experimental.