Time Value Analysis |
Having selected a generic cashflow from the Investment Analysis dialog box, to perform an time value analysis, select Analyze Time Value from the Investment Analysis dialog box’s menu bar. This opens the Time Value Analysis dialog box displayed in Figure 55.9.
The following items are displayed:
Analysis Specifications
Dates holds the list of dates as of which to perform the time value analysis. Right-clicking within the Dates area reveals many helpful tools for managing date lists.
Constant MARR holds the desired MARR for the time value analysis. This value is used if the MARR List area is empty.
MARR List holds date-rate pairs that express your desired MARR as it changes over time. Each date refers to when that expected MARR begins. Right-clicking within the MARR List area reveals many helpful tools for managing date-rate pairs.
Create Time Value Summary becomes available when you adequately specify the analysis within the Analysis Specifications area. Clicking Create Time Value Summary then fills the Time Value Summary area.
Time Value Summary fills when you click Create Time Value Summary. The table contains a row for each date in the Dates area. The remainder of each row holds the time values at that date, one value for each investment selected.
Print becomes available when you fill the time value summary. Clicking it sends the contents of the summary to the SAS session print device.
Save Data As becomes available when you fill the time value summary. Clicking it opens the Save Output Dataset dialog box where you can save the summary (or portions thereof) as a SAS Dataset.
Return takes you back to the Investment Analysis dialog box.