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The TIMESERIES Procedure

Spectral Density Analysis

Spectral analysis can be performed on the working series by specifying the OUTSPECTRA= option or by specifying the PLOTS=PERIODOGRAM or PLOTS=SPECTRUM option in the PROC TIMESERIES statement. PROC TIMESERIES uses the finite Fourier transform to decompose data series into a sum of sine and cosine terms of different amplitudes and wavelengths. The Fourier transform decomposition of the series is



is the time subscript,

are the equally spaced time series data

is the number of observations in the time series

is the number of frequencies in the Fourier decomposition: if is even, if is odd

is the mean term:

are the cosine coefficients

are the sine coefficients

are the Fourier frequencies:

Functions of the Fourier coefficients and can be plotted against frequency or against wave length to form periodograms. The amplitude periodogram is defined as follows:


The Fourier decomposition is performed after the ACCUMULATE=, DIF=, SDIF= and TRANSFORM= options in the ID and VAR statements have been applied.

Computational Method

If the number of observations, , factors into prime integers that are less than or equal to 23, and the product of the square-free factors of is less than 210, then the procedure uses the fast Fourier transform developed by Cooley and Tukey (1965) and implemented by Singleton (1969). If cannot be factored in this way, then the procedure uses a Chirp-Z algorithm similar to that proposed by Monro and Branch (1976).

Missing Values

Missing values are replaced with an estimate of the mean to perform spectral analyses. This treatment of a series with missing values is consistent with the approach used by Priestley (1981).

Using Specification of Weight Constants

Any number of weighting constants can be specified. The constants are interpreted symmetrically about the middle weight. The middle constant (or the constant to the right of the middle if an even number of weight constants is specified) is the relative weight of the current periodogram ordinate. The constant immediately following the middle one is the relative weight of the next periodogram ordinate, and so on. The actual weights used in the smoothing process are the weights specified in the WEIGHTS option, scaled so that they sum to 1.

The moving average calculation reflects at each end of the periodogram to accommodate the periodicity of the periodogram function.

For example, a simple triangular weighting can be specified using the following WEIGHTS option:

   spectra / weights 1 2 3 2 1;

Using Kernel Specifications

You can specify one of ten different kernels in the SPECTRA statement. The two parameters and are used to compute the bandwidth parameter


where is the number of periodogram ordinates + 1,


To specify the bandwidth explicitly, set to the desired bandwidth and .

For example, a Parzen kernel with a support of 11 periodogram ordinates can be specified using the following kernel option:

   spectra / parzen c=5 expon=0;

Kernels are used to smooth the periodogram by using a weighted moving average of nearby points. A smoothed periodogram is defined by the equation


where is the kernel or weight function.

At the endpoints, the moving average is computed cyclically; that is,


where is the periodogram ordinate.

The TIMESERIES procedure supports the following kernels:

BART: Bartlett kernel


PARZEN: Parzen kernel


QS: quadratic spectral kernel


TUKEY: Tukey-Hanning kernel


TRUNCAT: truncated kernel


Alternatively, kernel functions can be applied as filters that estimate the autocovariance function in the time domain prior to computing the periodogram by using the DOMAIN=TIME option as


where . To approximate this operation, complementary kernel weighting functions, , can be used to smooth the periodogram by using the same cyclical moving average computation described previously. The frequencies used to weight periodogram ordinates are . The five complementary weighting functions available to smooth the periodogram in this manner are:

BART: Bartlett equivalent lag window filter


PARZEN: Parzen equivalent lag window filter


QS: quadratic spectral equivalent lag window filter


TUKEY: Tukey-Hanning equivalent lag window filter


TRUNC: truncated equivalent lag window filter

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