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The X12 Procedure

Example 32.6 User-Defined Regressors

This example demonstrates the use of the USERVAR= option in the REGRESSION statement to include user-defined regressors in the regARIMA model. The user-defined regressors must be defined as nonmissing values for the span of the series being modeled plus any forecast values. Suppose you have the data set SALESDATA with 132 monthly observations beginning in January of 1949.

   title 'Data Set to be Seasonally Adjusted';
   data salesdata;  
      set sashelp.air(obs=132);

Since the regARIMA model forecasts one year ahead, the user-defined regressor must be defined for 144 observations that start in January of 1949. You can construct a simple length-of-month regressor by using the following DATA step.

   title 'User-defined Regressor for Data to be Seasonally Adjusted';
   data regressors(keep=date LengthOfMonth); 
      set sashelp.air;
      LengthOfMonth = INTNX('MONTH',date,1) - date;

The two data sets must be merged in order to use them as input to PROC X12. The BY statement is used to align the regressors with the time series by the time ID variable DATE.

   title 'Data Set Containing Series and Regressors';
   data datain; 
      merge regressors salesdata;
      by date;
   proc print data=datain(firstobs=121);

The last 24 observations of the input data set are displayed in Output 32.6.1. Note that the regressor variable is defined for one year (12 observations) beyond the span of the time series to be seasonally adjusted.

Output 32.6.1 PROC X12 Input Data Set with User-Defined Regressor
Data Set Containing Series and Regressors

Obs DATE LengthOfMonth AIR
121 JAN59 31 360
122 FEB59 28 342
123 MAR59 31 406
124 APR59 30 396
125 MAY59 31 420
126 JUN59 30 472
127 JUL59 31 548
128 AUG59 31 559
129 SEP59 30 463
130 OCT59 31 407
131 NOV59 30 362
132 DEC59 31 405
133 JAN60 31 .
134 FEB60 29 .
135 MAR60 31 .
136 APR60 30 .
137 MAY60 31 .
138 JUN60 30 .
139 JUL60 31 .
140 AUG60 31 .
141 SEP60 30 .
142 OCT60 31 .
143 NOV60 30 .
144 DEC60 31 .

The DATAIN data set is now ready to be used as input to PROC X12. Note that the DATE= variable and the user-defined regressors are automatically excluded from the variables to be seasonally adjusted.

   title 'regARIMA Model with User-defined Regressor';
   proc x12 data=datain date=DATE interval=MONTH;
      transform function=log;
      regression uservar=LengthOfMonth;

The parameter estimates for the regARIMA model are shown in Output 32.6.2

Output 32.6.2 PROC X12 Output for User-Defined Regression Parameter
regARIMA Model with User-defined Regressor

The X12 Procedure

Regression Model Parameter Estimates
For variable AIR
Type Parameter NoEst Estimate Standard Error t Value Pr > |t|
User Defined LengthOfMonth Est 0.04683 0.01834 2.55 0.0119

Exact ARMA Maximum Likelihood Estimation
For variable AIR
Parameter Lag Estimate Standard Error t Value Pr > |t|
Nonseasonal MA 1 0.33678 0.08506 3.96 0.0001
Seasonal MA 12 0.54078 0.07726 7.00 <.0001

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