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The X11 Procedure

Example 31.1 Component Estimation—Monthly Data

This example computes and plots the final estimates of the individual components for a monthly series. In the first plot (Output 31.1.1), an overlaid plot of the original and seasonally adjusted data is produced. The trend in the data is more evident in the seasonally adjusted data than in the original data. This trend is even more clear in Output 31.1.3, the plot of Table D12, the trend cycle. Note that both the seasonal factors and the irregular factors vary around 100, while the trend cycle and the seasonally adjusted data are in the scale of the original data.

From Output 31.1.2 the seasonal component appears to be slowly increasing, while no apparent pattern exists for the irregular series in Output 31.1.4.

   data sales;
      input sales @@;
      date = intnx( 'month', '01sep1978'd, _n_-1 );
      format date monyy7.;
   ... more lines ...   

   proc x11 data=sales noprint;
      monthly date=date;
      var sales;
      tables b1 d11;
      output out=out b1=series d10=d10 d11=d11
                     d12=d12 d13=d13;
   title 'Monthly Retail Sales Data (in $1000)'; 
   proc sgplot data=out;
      series x=date y=series / markers
                               markerattrs=(color=red symbol='asterisk')
                               legendlabel="original" ;
      series x=date y=d11    / markers
                               markerattrs=(color=blue symbol='circle')
                               legendlabel="adjusted" ;
      yaxis label='Original and Seasonally Adjusted Time Series';

Output 31.1.1 Plots of Original and Seasonally Adjusted Data
Plots of Original and Seasonally Adjusted Data

   title 'Monthly Seasonal Factors (in percent)'; 
   proc sgplot data=out;
      series x=date y=d10 / markers markerattrs=(symbol=CircleFilled) ;
   title 'Monthly Retail Sales Data (in $1000)'; 
   proc sgplot data=out;
      series x=date y=d12 / markers markerattrs=(symbol=CircleFilled) ;
   title 'Monthly Irregular Factors (in percent)'; 
   proc sgplot data=out;
      series x=date y=d13 / markers markerattrs=(symbol=CircleFilled) ;

Output 31.1.2 Plot of D10, the Final Seasonal Factors
Plot of D10, the Final Seasonal Factors

Output 31.1.3 Plot of D12, the Final Trend Cycle
Plot of D12, the Final Trend Cycle

Output 31.1.4 Plot of D13, the Final Irregular Series
Plot of D13, the Final Irregular Series

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