option and enclose the Java options in
single quotation marks. For example, the following command starts
SAS Data Integration Studio on Windows and contains Java options that
specify the locale as Japanese: distudio -javaopts '-Duser.language=ja -Duser.country=JP'
directory under the directory in which the application was installed.
If you are starting SAS Data Integration Studio from another location,
you must specify the location of the plug-in directory by using the –pluginsDir
option. The syntax of the option
isdistudio –pluginsdir
<plugin path>
in the
working directory. Because each SAS Data Integration Studio session
overwrites this log, you might want to specify a different name or
location for the log file. Use the following option to change the
error logging location: distudio –logfile
) is found.
There is an .ini file with the same name as the executable (distudio.ini
). Edit the .ini file and increase the
memory values on the Java invocation. If that does not help, the problem
might be server memory or another issue.