Starting SAS Data Integration Studio


You want to start SAS Data Integration Studio.


Start SAS Data Integration Studio as you would any other SAS application on a given platform. You can specify one or more options in the start command or in the distudio.ini file. For more information, see the following tasks:
For more information about command-line arguments for SAS client applications, administrators should see the SAS Intelligence Platform Desktop Application Administration Guide.


Start SAS Data Integration Studio

Under Microsoft Windows, you can select Startthen selectProgramsthen selectSASthen selectSAS Data Integration Studio.
You can also start the application from a command line. Navigate to the SAS Data Integration Studio installation directory and issue the distudio.exe command.
If you do not specify any options, SAS Data Integration Studio uses the parameters specified in the distudio.ini file. The following sections contain information about options you can specify on the command line or add to the distudio.ini file.

Specify Java Options

To specify Java options when you start SAS Data Integration Studio, use the -javaopts option and enclose the Java options in single quotation marks. For example, the following command starts SAS Data Integration Studio on Windows and contains Java options that specify the locale as Japanese:
distudio -javaopts '-Duser.language=ja'

Specify the Plug-in Location

By default, SAS Data Integration Studio looks for plug-ins in a plugins directory under the directory in which the application was installed. If you are starting SAS Data Integration Studio from another location, you must specify the location of the plug-in directory by using the –pluginsDir option. The syntax of the option is
distudio –pluginsdir
<plugin path>

Specify the Error Log Location

SAS Data Integration Studio writes error information to a file named errorlog.txt in the working directory. Because each SAS Data Integration Studio session overwrites this log, you might want to specify a different name or location for the log file. Use the following option to change the error logging location:
distudio –logfile

Specify Message Logging

You can specify the server status messages that are encountered in a SAS Data Integration Studio session by using the –MessageLevel level_value option. Valid values for level_value are listed in the following table.
Values for level_value
All messages are logged.
Static configuration messages are logged.
Basic tracing information is logged.
More detailed tracing information is logged.
Highly detailed tracing information is logged. Specify this option to debug problems with SAS server connections.
Informational messages are logged.
No messages are logged.
Messages indicating a severe failure are logged.
Messages indicating a potential problem are logged.

Allocate More Memory to SAS Data Integration Studio

There might be a number of reasons to increase the amount of memory for SAS Data Integration Studio. For example, after running a job, if you click the Log tab or the Output tab, and SAS Data Integration Studio does not respond, you might need to increase the amount of memory allocated to the application.
Locate the subdirectory where SAS Data Integration Studio's executable (distudio.exe) is found. There is an .ini file with the same name as the executable (distudio.ini). Edit the .ini file and increase the memory values on the Java invocation. If that does not help, the problem might be server memory or another issue.