XMLV2 version is XML compliant, which means that XMLV2 requires XML
markup to be well-formed and in valid construction that is in compliance
with the W3C specifications. Because the XMLV2 version is XML compliant,
using XMLV2 could affect the following situations:
XML documents that are imported
with the XML version might not pass the more strict parsing rules
in the XMLV2 version. For example, like XML markup, the XMLV2 version
is case sensitive. Opening and closing tags must be written in the
same case, such as
<BODY> ...</BODY>
For the XMLV2 version, the tag
different from the tag
Attribute names are also case sensitive, and the attribute value must
be enclosed in quotation marks, such as
<Note date="09/24/1975">
XMLMap files that are accepted
by the XML version might not work with the XMLV2 version. The XMLV2
version requires that XMLMap files be XML compliant, which means that
the markup is case sensitive. In addition, the XMLMap markup must
follow the specific XMLMap rules. Tag names must be uppercase. Element
attributes must be lowercase. An example is
. In addition, the supported XPath
syntax is case sensitive.