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SPD Engine Data Set Options

SPD Engine Data Set Options List

ASYNCINDEX= Data Set Option

specifies to create indexes in parallel when creating multiple indexes on an SPD Engine data set.

BYNOEQUALS= Data Set Option

specifies the index output order of data set observations that have identical values for the BY variable.

BYSORT= Data Set Option

specifies for the SPD Engine to perform an automatic sort when it encounters a BY statement.

COMPRESS= Data Set Option

compresses SPD Engine data sets on disk.

Restriction: Compression and encryption are mutually exclusive in SPD Engine.
ENCRYPT= Data Set Option

Encrypts data files.

Restriction: Compression and encryption are mutually exclusive in SPD Engine.
ENDOBS= Data Set Option

specifies the end observation number in a user-defined range of observations to be processed.

IDXBY= Data Set Option

specifies whether to use an index when processing BY statements in the SPD Engine.

IDXWHERE= Data Set Option

specifies to use indexes when processing WHERE expressions in the SPD Engine.

IOBLOCKSIZE= Data Set Option

specifies the size of a block of observations to be compressed.

LISTFILES= Data Set Option

specifies whether the CONTENTS procedure lists the complete pathnames of all of the component files in an SPD Engine data set.

PADCOMPRESS= Data Set Option

specifies the number of bytes to add to compressed blocks in a data set opened for OUTPUT or UPDATE.

PARTSIZE= Data Set Option

specifies the maximum partition size of the data component files. PARTSIZE= is also a LIBNAME option.

STARTOBS= Data Set Option

specifies the starting observation number in a user-defined range of observations to be processed.

SYNCADD= Data Set Option

specifies to process one observation at a time or a block of observations at a time.

THREADNUM= Data Set Option

specifies the maximum number of threads to use for the SPD Engine processing.

UNIQUESAVE= Data Set Option

specifies to save (in a separate file) any observations that were rejected because of nonunique key values during an append or insert to a data set with unique indexes when SYNCADD=NO.


specifies a list of indexes to exclude when making WHERE expression evaluations.

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