LIBNAME Statement Syntax for Submitting a Fully Specified Connection String

Accesses data by submitting a fully specified connection string rather than a DataFlux DSN.
Requirement: You can connect only to data sources and locations as defined through the server administration. A non-administrative user must have Connect privilege on the specified data services in order to connect to them.
Interaction: The FEDSVR LIBNAME engine supports accessing only one data source at a time. For more information, see Federated DSNs.
Tip: The preferred method to access data is to reference a DataFlux DSN.
See: LIBNAME Statement Syntax for the LIBNAME statement syntax that shows how to reference a DataFlux DSN, and for information about server connection arguments and data source processing options.


Data Source Connection Arguments

The data source connection arguments provide the connection information to access the data source or data sources. To access the data, you can submit a fully specified connection string, which includes all of the information that is required to connect to the data, such as the table driver name, physical location of the data, and any necessary authentication information that is required to retrieve data. The data source connection arguments to submit a fully specified connection string are as follows:
submits a fully specified connection string, which defines how to connect to the data. A connection string identifies the query language to be submitted as well as the information required to connect to the data source or data sources.
The fully specified connection string options are as follows:
requests the DataFlux FedSQL language driver to query the data source or data sources. By using the FedSQL language statements, an application can access SAS data sets as well as third-party database tables. The language driver takes advantage of the capabilities of a data source by passing it operations when possible. If the data source cannot do the operation, the language driver handles the operation.
Restriction:The FEDSVR engine does not support submitting the SQL that is implemented by a third-party database.
Requirement:You must specify DRIVER=FEDSQL for all data sources except a SAS data set. The DataFlux FedSQL language driver is automatically available for a SAS data set.
Interaction:For a SAS data set, whether you specify the language driver determines the required syntax. If you specify DRIVER=FEDSQL, the CONOPTS= argument is required. If you do not specify DRIVER=FEDSQL, CONOPTS= is not required. The following connection strings are both valid for a SAS data set:
libname lib1 fedsvr server="" 
   port=2171 uid="myid" pwd="mypwd"
   conopts=(catalog=base; driver=base; 
   schema=(name=base; primarypath='c:\SASdata';))";
libname lib1 fedsvr server="" 
   port=2171 uid="myid" pwd="mypwd"
   connect_string="catalog=base; driver=base; 
   schema=(name=base; primarypath='c:\SASdata';)";
CONOPTS=(data-source-connection-arguments) ;
specifies the connection arguments in order to connect to a particular data source or data sources. For example:
libname lib1 fedsvr server="" 
   port=2171 uid="myid" pwd="mypwd"
   conopts=(driver=base; catalog=base; 
   schema=(name=one; primarypath='c:\mydir';))";
Requirements:Enclose the data source connection arguments in parentheses.

Precede the data source connection arguments with the keyword CONOPTS= if the language driver is specified. You must specify the language driver for all data sources except the SAS data set.

Note:In its initial release, the FEDSVR engine supports only fetch and insert functionality for Greenplum data. Update and delete operations are not supported for Greenplum.
See:Data source connection arguments are data source specific. For the data source connection arguments for a SAS data set, see SAS Data Set Connection Arguments. For third-party database connection arguments, see the appropriate data source reference in the DataFlux Federation Server Administrator’s Guide.
Requirements:The connection string must be enclosed in double quotation marks.

You must have Connect privilege to the specified data source on the DataFlux Federation Server to submit a fully specified connection string.

Interaction:Some data sources require that you specify a catalog or a schema name in the connection string. For data sources where mixed case is allowed, to reference a mixed case catalog or schema name, you must enclose the name in quotation marks. For example,
libname lib1 fedsvr  server="" 
   port=2171 uid="myid" pwd="mypwd"
   conopts=(driver=base; catalog='CAT_base'; 
   schema=(name=one; primarypath='c:\mydir';))";
Note:If the connection string properties include a password, it appears as a string of X characters (XXXXXXXX) when the connection string is written to the SAS log.
Tip:When the connection string is written to the SAS log, it appears as a string of X characters (XXXXXXXXXX).