To use role-based settings, you must determine the roles
that you need, select capabilities for each role, and assign users
or groups to roles. Several main administrative roles are defined
by default, and SAS Enterprise Guide and the SAS Add-In for Microsoft
Office also define several roles that are specific to the application.
If the provided roles and the capabilities in each role match the
activities and responsibilities in your organization, you only need
to assign users to roles. To assign users to a role, use SAS Management
Console to view the Properties window for a role. On the
Members tab, select the users that should be assigned
to the role.
If the
provided roles do not match the division of responsibilities in your
organization, you must create a custom role:
Management Console, select the
User Manager plug-in.
Role to open the New Role dialog box.
Use the
Members tab to specify which users and groups are assigned
to the role.
Use the
Capabilities tab to assign the SAS Enterprise Guide
and the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office capabilities and specify
tasks to the role.
To modify
the capabilities for a role, select the role in the User Manager in
SAS Management Console, and then select
Properties. Select the
Capabilities tab and choose
the capabilities that are assigned to the role.
For more
information about working with roles, see
SAS Management
Console: Guide to Users and Permissions.