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Sharing Models and Projects

Create Model Packages

To create a model package:

  1. Right-click the SAS Code node named Best Potential Donors, in the Diagram Workspace, and select Create Model Package.

    [untitled graphic]

    The model package that you create contains the output and results for each node that precedes the node you select. Use the terminal node in a process flow diagram to capture the entire diagram in a model package.

  2. Type a model package name in the Input window.

    [Input Window]

  3. Click OK to create the package.

  4. Click OK in the Run Status window.

    [untitled graphic]

    The report is stored inside the Model Packages Folder of the Project panel.

    [Project Navigator Model Packages Folder]

  5. Right-click a model package in the Project panel of the workspace to open it, delete it, register it in the model repository, re-create the diagram, or to save it under a different name.

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