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Sharing Models and Projects

Overview of This Group of Tasks

You have fit and built a predictive model using training and validation data. You have used the model to score new data. What are some potential next steps for the scored data?

You can place your scored data in a cube for Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) exploration, or use it as input for reports or further analysis. You might want to save the model in an archive so you can share it with other users. There are a number of ways you can save your data mining model for future use.

One of the ways that you might save your model is with model packages. With Enterprise Miner, you can create model packages and share them with fellow data miners, business managers, and data managers throughout the organization. Besides enabling you to share models, model packages also provide an audit trail of the underlying data mining processes. With packages, process flow diagrams can be archived, stored, and re-used. The Enterprise Miner model package also includes an XML file that completely defines the process flow diagram layout and configuration for each component node.

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