Create Exploratory Plots

To use the MultiPlot node to graphically discover patterns and trends in the input data, complete the following steps:
  1. From the Explore tab on the Toolbar, select the MultiPlot node icon. Drag the node into the Diagram Workspace.
  2. Connect the StatExplore node to the MultiPlot node.
    Process Flow Diagram
  3. Select the MultiPlot node. In the Properties Panel, scroll down to view the Train properties. Click on the value of Type of Charts, and select Both from the drop-down menu that appears. Changing the selection causes SAS Enterprise Miner to produce both scatter plots and bar charts when you run the node.
  4. In the Diagram Workspace, right-click the MultiPlot node, and select Run from the resulting menu. Click Yes in the confirmation window that opens.
  5. In the window that appears when processing completes, click Results. The Results window opens.
  6. Maximize the Train Graphs window. This window displays a bar chart and a scatter plot for each variable. You can use the buttons at the bottom of the window to scroll through the plots.
    Note: The MultiPlot node uses all observations in the input data set, rather than a sample of the observations, for plotting.
    Train Graphs Window
    Notice these results in the bar charts:
    • One value for the variable DONOR_GENDER is incorrectly recorded as an A.
    • There are several heavily skewed variables (for example FILE_AVG_GIFT and LIFETIME_AVG_GIFT_AMT). Often, a log transformation is used to correct skewness.
    Notice in the scatter plots that increasing values of some variables (for example RECENT_RESPONSE_PROP and LIFETIME_GIFT_AMOUNT) tend to be more associated with the target variable (they are also heavily skewed). For these variables, you might want to consider an optimal binning transformation.
    Later in the example, you will address these data issues.
  7. Close the Results window.
The MultiPlot node automatically generates a series of plots and graphs. You can also generate ad hoc, custom reports by using the Graph Explorer node.