/* Load the ENUSA locale. The system option DQSETUPLOC= is already set.*/ %dqload(dqlocale=(enusa)) data customer; length custid 8 name org addr $ 20; input custid name $char20. org $char20. addr $char20.; datalines; 1 Mr. Robert Smith Orion Star Corporation 8001 Weston Blvd. 2 The Orion Star Corp. 8001 Westin Ave 3 Bob Smith 8001 Weston Parkway 4 Sandi Booth Belleview Software 123 N Main Street 5 Mrs. Sandra Booth Belleview Inc. 801 Oak Ave. 6 sandie smith Booth Orion Star Corp. 123 Maine Street 7 Bobby J. Smythe ABC Plumbing 8001 Weston Pkwy ; run; /* Generate the cluster data. Because more than one condition is defined, a variable named CLUSTER is created automatically */ proc dqmatch data=customer out=customer_out; criteria condition=1 var=name sensitivity=85 matchdef='Name'; criteria condition=1 var=addr sensitivity=70 matchdef='Address'; criteria condition=2 var=org sensitivity=85 matchdef='Organization'; criteria condition=2 var=addr sensitivity=70 matchdef='Address'; run; /* Print the result. */ proc print data=customer_out noobs; run;