Browse Tables


Browse Tables Icon in the SAS Data Loader Window
Use the Browse Tables directive to browse a list of the tables in a data source that is available on the Hadoop cluster. You can also view the contents of a table in the Table Viewer. With the Browse Tables directive, you can examine the data on quickly and conveniently before you begin working with the data in other directives.


Follow these steps to view the data in a table:
  1. On the SAS Data Loader directives page, click the Browse Tables directive. The Source Table task that lists available data sources is displayed:
    shows data sources.
  2. Click a data source to display its tables, and select the table that you want to view.
    shows tables inside the data source.
  3. Click View Table.
    Screenshot of the SAS Table Viewer
    Because the SAS Table Viewer appears in a separate browser tab, you can view the contents of multiple tables at the same time. For each additional table, just return to the Browse Tables directive in the SAS Data Loader tab and repeat the previous steps.