ASEXPORT Procedure

ADD Statement

Adds DataFlux Authentication Server objects that are unmatched in the working set of SAS Metadata Server objects to the working set of export mappings. The ADD statement name is followed by the type of object being added for export. The object type can be DOMAIN, USER, or GROUP. The ADD statement has two options, CRITERIA and LOG.


ADD <type> / <add-options>;

Optional Arguments


specifies criteria used to select DataFlux Authentication Server objects into the working set of export mappings. The criteria must be valid SQL WHERE syntax that does not use the WHERE keyword. It must reference only the SQL entities available for the type of objects being matched.

The following table lists those entities per object type:
ADD Entities
SQL Entities Available in Match Criteria WHERE Clause
All columns in AS.DOMAINS
All columns in AS.USERS, X.AS_LOGINS_N
All columns in AS.GROUPS
The ADD statement always selects AS objects using the default criteria per object type and then subsets based on the CRITERIA= WHERE clause specified. If omitted, a CRITERIA= value of “1=1” is implied such that no further subsetting occurs.
The following table documents the default add criteria per object type:
ADD Criteria
Default CRITERIA= value
The domain is neither already exported nor queued for export in the current working set of export mappings.
(X.AS_LOGINS_N.USER_ID=AS.USERS.ID) and The user is neither already exported nor queued for export in the current working set of export mappings.
The group is neither already exported nor queued for export in the current working set of export mappings.


specifies to print ADD statement results in the SAS log.

Last updated: June 7, 2017