Installing the Application Dispatcher

Before you can use the Application Dispatcher, you must perform the following steps:
  1. If you are upgrading from a previous version, see Upgrading from Version 8 to Version 9 for more information before completing the installation.
  2. Install SAS 9.3 (including SAS/IntrNet software.) The SAS/IntrNet software that is installed in this step includes the Application Server.
  3. Install the Application Broker, which is contained in the CGI Tools for the Web Server. The instructions for installing the CGI Tools for the Web Server package are included with SAS/IntrNet software.
  4. If you are using Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 as your Web server, then you must edit the applicationHost.config and web.config files. See for more information about configuring IIS 7.0 for SAS/IntrNet.
  5. Create and start the default service for the Application Server by using the SAS/IntrNet Service Tasks in the SAS Deployment Manager.
  6. Run the sample applications to test your installation.
Note: For z/OS, the SAS 9 or later Application Broker requires that the IBM Web maintenance patch, PQ47248, be installed if you intend to use a Web server codepage (FSCP) other than ibm-1047.