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The UPLOAD Procedure

EXCLUDE Statement

Excludes library members or catalog entries from uploading.
Restrictions: You cannot use the EXCLUDE and SELECT statements in the same PROC UPLOAD step.


EXCLUDE lib-member-list </ MEMTYPE=mtype >;
EXCLUDE cat-entry-list </ ENTRYTYPE=etype>;

Syntax Description

Use the format lib-member-list </ MEMTYPE=mtype> when you specify the INLIB= and OUTLIB= options in the PROC UPLOAD statement.

Use the format cat-entry-list </ ENTRYTYPE=etype> when you specify the INCAT= and OUTCAT= options in the PROC UPLOAD statement.


specifies which library members to exclude from uploading. You can name each member explicitly or use one of the following forms:


specifies all members whose names begin with the character string prefix. For example, if you specify TEST: , all members with names that begin with the letters TEST are excluded.


specifies all members whose names have a value between first and last. For example, if you specify TEST1-TEST3 , any files that are named TEST1 , TEST2 , or TEST3 are excluded.

Restrictions: first and last must begin with identical character strings and must end in a number.

specifies which catalog entries to exclude from uploading. Each element of cat-entry-list has the form entry.type.


is the name of an entry in the catalog to exclude from uploading.


is the type of the catalog entry. This part of the name is optional.


specifies a member type to exclude from uploading.

Here are the valid member types:

  • ALL


  • DATA

  • MDDB

  • VIEW

Alias: MTYPE=, MT=
Requirements: To use this option, you must also specify the INLIB= and OUTLIB= options in the PROC UPLOAD statement.

specifies a catalog entry type to exclude from uploading. Examples of catalog entry types include FORMAT and DATA.

Alias: ETYPE=, ET=
Requirements: To use this option, you must specify the INCAT= and OUTCAT= options in the PROC UPLOAD statement.

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