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SAS/CONNECT Script Statements


Sends characters to the server as if they were typed at a personal computer.

Syntax Description
ASCII Control Character Mnemonics


TYPE text;

Syntax Description


is the user-specified string of characters sent to the server.


The TYPE statement sends characters to the server as if they had been typed on a personal computer that is attached to that operating environment. For example, in a script that automatically signs on to the server, you use a TYPE statement to issue the server sign-on command.

text can be any combination of the following:

If you use TYPE statements in the script and some characters that are specified by the statement are not typed, try using the WAITFOR statement to establish a pause in script execution between TYPE statements.

To use a TYPE statement that has more than 80 characters in a sign-on script, divide the TYPE statement into two or more TYPE statements. To divide the TYPE statement, insert a hyphen (-) at the division point. For example, consider the following TYPE statement:

type "sas options ('dmr comamid=tcp')" 

To divide this statement, change it as follows:

type "sas options ('dmr comamid=-" enter;
type "tcp')" enter;

Note:   Do not insert spaces before or after the hyphen.  [cautionend]

ASCII Control Character Mnemonics

To specify an ASCII control character in the TYPE statement, use a mnemonic representation of the character. The following table lists the ASCII control characters and the corresponding mnemonics, decimal codes, and hexadecimal values.

ASCII Character Mnemonics
ASCII Control Character Mnemonic Representation Decimal Value Hexadecimal Value
Line feed LF or CTL_J 10 0A
Carriage return CR or CTL_M 13 0D

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