%if &_cstDebug %then %do; /* perform some action */ end;
%let _cstDebug=0; data _null_; _cstDebug = input(symget('_cstDebug'),8.); if _cstDebug then call execute("options &_cstDebugOptions;"); else call execute(("%sysfunc(tranwrd(options %cmpres(&_cstDebugOptions), %str( ), %str( no)));")); run;
Location Where Error
Is Reported
Possible Cause and Corrective
Expected libraries are
not allocated.
SAS Log, Libraries window,
(1) An invalid physical
name for the libref has been used.
Is the libref a valid
SAS name?
A SAS name can contain
one to 32 characters.
It must start with a
letter or an underscore (_), not a number.
Subsequent characters
must be letters, numbers, or underscores.
Blanks cannot appear
in SAS names.
Is the libref a reserved
SAS libref name? You should not use Work, Sasuser, or Sashelp.
(2) The path specified
for the libref is invalid; it points to a nonexistent directory. Check
the path in your SASReferences data set.
Error: SAS system library
WORK cannot be reassigned.
Work is being used as
a sasref value with or without a path being designated. A similar
error occurs if Sasuser or Sashelp is used.
WARNING: One or more
libraries specified in the concatenated library CSTTMP do not exist.
One of the paths specified
for a libref is invalid; it points to a nonexistent directory.
Warning: Process ending
prematurely for CST0090-there were problems with the SASReferences
data set.
There is a problem with
the SASReferences data set being used. Check for these potential problems:
The SASReferences data
set does not exist.
The SASReferences data
set exists but it is empty.
The structure of the
SASReferences data set is incorrect. For example, it might have an
extra column that is not required or an expected column that is missing.
A column type might
be incorrect. For example, the Order column might be character instead
of numeric.
An invalid TYPE or SUBTYPE
or combination is used in the SASReferences data set. Valid TYPE and
SUBTYPE values are provided in the Standardlookup data set found in
global standards library directory/metadata .
A TYPE value is missing.
A SASREF value is missing
or invalid.
A REFTYPE value is missing
or is not equal to libref or fileref (case insensitive).
Error: Physical file
does not exist.
(1) The SASReferences
data set references a file that does not exist.
(2) The filename is
not a valid SAS name.
WARNING: Apparent invocation
of macro SDTM_VALIDATE not resolved.
(1) The macro is misnamed
or has not been added to the expected autocall library.
Does the macros folder
for this standard exist in the cstGlobalLibrary, in the !sasroot hierarchy, or in some correctly designated custom
(2) The expected autocall
path was not created correctly in the call to %CSTUTIL_ALLOCATESASREFERENCES.
Check that the SASReferences
data set contains a type=autocall record, defined as a fileref, and
points to the correct folder location.
Check for an error occurring
earlier in the SAS log suggesting that cstutil_allocatesasreferences
failed before setting the autocall path.
Resultid in Results
Data Set
Possible Cause or Corrective
No tables evaluated-check
validation control data set.
No tables interpreted
from the tablescope value could be found in the work._csttablemetadata
data set.
<Data set> could
not be found
This error usually indicates
that a specific source column or data set could not be found. The
code loops through a set of domains or columns built from the source
metadata data sets. This error might result when the source metadata
does not accurately reflect the source data.
No columns evaluated-check
Validation Control specification.
No columns interpreted
from the columnscope value could be found in the work._cstcolumnmetadata
data set.
The SAS Clinical Standards
Toolkit looks at the union of both tablescope and columnscope to build
work._cstcolumnmetadata. The specified column might exist in a domain,
but not in any column specified in a tablescope domain.
Lookup to SASReferences
control data set failed.
The SAS Clinical Standards
Toolkit code has a call to the %CSTUTIL_GETSASREFERENCE utility macro
for a type or type and subtype combination that cannot be found in
the SASReferences data set. This indicates that SASReferences has
been incompletely defined for the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit validation
Validation Control parsing
of tablescope/column results in inconsistent sublist lengths.
This check involves
a comparison of tables or columns, as indicated by multiple sets of
brackets in tablescope or columnscope. Each set of brackets constitutes
a sublist. However, the number of items in the specified sublist is
inconsistent or unexpected by the check macro. Options typically include
a more accurate specification of sublist items, either using explicit
table or column names or more restrictive tablescope syntax (that
is, removing the domain causing the inconsistency using minus sign
(-) syntax, such as _ALL_-DM).
One or more check metadata
column values is invalid.
A value in the Validation
Control data set for the check being run is invalid in the context
of the specific check macro. Examples include conditions that are
required by the check macro but are not found, such as no code logic
found, an unexpected usesourcemetadata value, or no lookuptype or
lookupsource for valid value assessments.
Code failed due to SAS
error-see log.
A SAS DATA step or SAS
procedure failed and the cause is reported in the SAS log. This most
commonly occurs because of missing data sets, missing columns, incorrectly
sorted data sets, and unexpected macro variable values.
<Message lookup failed
to find matching record>
The check macro code
generates a resultid value that does not find a match in the Messages
data set. Either the wrong resultid has been specified, or the standard-specific
Messages data set has not been updated to include the resultid.
%cstutil_cleanupcstsession(_cstClearCompiledMacros=0, _cstClearLibRefs=0, _cstResetSASAutos=0, _cstResetFmtSearch=0, _cstResetSASOptions=0,_cstDeleteFiles=0,_cstDeleteGlobalMacroVars=0);