ADaM Data Set Templates

The SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit implementation of the CDISC ADaM 2.1 standard provides metadata templates for creating analysis data sets that conform to the structure prescribed in the Analysis Data Model (ADaM) Implementation Guide, Version 1.0. You can use the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit metadata in the reference_tables and reference_columns data sets to create these templates.
A framework utility macro, %CST_CREATETABLESFORDATASTANDARD, builds empty ADAE, ADSL, and BDS data sets using the reference_tables and reference_columns metadata.
Submit this code to create the three data sets:
_cstStandardVersion=2.1, _cstOutputLibrary=work);
The successful creation of the data sets is reported in the SAS log:
NOTE: The data set WORK.ADSL has 0 observations and 63 variables.
NOTE: The data set WORK.BDS has 0 observations and 142 variables.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ADAE has 0 observations and 85 variables.
Specifying additional data sets or columns in the global standards library folder results in the %CST_CREATETABLESFORDATASTANDARD macro building a different set of zero-observation data sets. The global standards library folder is located here:
global standards library directory/standards/cdisc-adam-2.1-1.7/metadata
A zero-observation template data set for the analysis_results data set is located here:
global standards library directory/standards/cdisc-adam-2.1-1.7/templates.