The SAS Clinical Standards
Toolkit provides the following support for the CDISC ADaM 2.1 standard:
A metadata representation of the
CDISC ADaM standard in a set of SAS data sets.
The ability to derive template
(zero-observation) data sets for the ADaM subject-level Analysis (ADSL)
data set, a representative Basic Data Structure (BDS) data set, and
an analysis results data set.
Note: Templates for additional
ADaM data structures (such as ADAE) will be provided in future releases
after the CDISC ADaM team approves them for use.
Implementation of version 1.1 of
the CDISC ADaM Validation Checks as prepared by the CDISC ADaM team.
A sample reporting methodology
that combines the analysis results metadata with a sample set of tables,
listings, and figures (TLF) metadata to create example clinical study