Global Standards Library

The global standards library is the metadata repository for the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit. By default, the global standards library contains the metadata for the Framework module and the metadata for each data standard that is provided by SAS (such as the CDISC SDTM 3.1.2 standard).
During the installation and configuration of the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit, the user is prompted for the location where the global standards library should be installed. The configuration process creates a series of directories in this location.
  • metadata contains data sets that have information about the registered standards. For more information, see Common Framework Metadata.
  • schema-repository contains the schemas for XML-based standards that are supported.
  • standards contains a standard-specific directory hierarchy for each of the supported standards.
  • xsl-repository contains directories and XSL files used in reading and writing XML files.
The metadata directory contains two data sets—Standards and StandardSASReferences. The Standards data set has a list of the registered standards and basic information relating to each standard. The following display provides the full content of the global standards library Standards data set included with the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit.
Global Standards Library: Metadata Standards Data Set
Metadata Standards Data Set
Metadata Standards Data Set
Note: The &_cstGRoot directory in the rootpath column maps to the <global standards library directory>.
The StandardSASReferences data set defines the typical inputs and outputs of SAS processes that are associated with each standard. The following display shows some rows and columns.
Global Standards Library: Metadata StandardSASReferences Data Set
Metadata StandardSASReferences Data Set
The type and subtype columns can be used to reference information that SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit needs. This information is in the directory structures and file naming standards used by the customer. A full list of valid types and subtypes are provided in this document.
The standards directory contains subdirectories for each of the standard versions that is provided by SAS. In addition, there are subdirectories for user-customized versions of these standards and any new user-defined standards. Each subdirectory should be considered a stand-alone module. This is how the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit can keep parallel standards and reduce the need for revalidation. Within each subdirectory, there might be directories that group the files, data sets, and housekeeping programs. The following display shows the directory structure for a Microsoft Windows global standards library with cdisc-sdtm-3.1.1-1.3 expanded.
Directory Structure for a Microsoft Windows Global Standards Library
Directory structure for a Microsoft Windows global standards library with cdisc-sdtm-3.1.1-1.3 expanded
The schema-repository directory contains XML schema definitions that are used to validate XML files. Standards that use XML should have their schemas in this directory so that they can be found. For example, the schema-repository directory for CDISC CRT-DDS 1.0 as defined in the Standards data set maps to:
<global standards library directory>/schema-repository/cdisc-crtdds-1.0.0
The xsl-repository directory contains files that are used to transform XML files from one format to another. For example, the default style sheet directory for CDISC CRT-DDS 1.0 define.xml files created by the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit as defined in the Standards data set maps to:
<global standards library directory>/xsl-repository/CRT-DDS/1.0/export