Creating a Dataset-XML File

Overview of Creating a Dataset-XML File

The CDISC-Dataset-XML Creation transformation creates a separate Dataset-XML file for each domain or data table in a study or submission. Each Dataset-XML file is named based on the domain or data table name. For example, the DM domain creates the dm.xml file.
The CDISC-Dataset-XML Creation transformation enables you to specify these options:
  • Select the domains or data tables for which to create Dataset-XML files.
  • Create a ZIP file that contains the Dataset-XML files.
  • Delete Dataset-XML files that are included in a ZIP file.
  • Check the data lengths of text variables against the metadata in the define.xml input file.
  • Specify a header comment to include in the Dataset-XML files.

Register a New Document File

Before you can create a job to create a Dataset-XML file, you must register a new document file. The document file must be associated with a valid Define.XML 2.0 define.xml file that contains definitions for all domains and data tables for which to create Dataset-XML files.
For more information about registering a new document file, see Register a New Document File.

Create a Dataset-XML File

To create a Dataset-XML file, perform the following steps:
  1. Create an empty job.
    For detailed information about creating an empty job, see the SAS Data Integration Studio: User's Guide or the SAS Data Integration Studio online Help.
  2. In the Transformations tree, expand Clinical, and then drag and drop CDISC-Dataset-XML Creation onto the diagram.
    CDISC-Dataset-XML Creation transformation on the Diagram tab
  3. From the Folders tree, drag and drop the define.xml file onto the diagram.
  4. To connect the define.xml file to the CDISC-Dataset-XML Creation transformation, drag and drop the cursor from the output port of the define.xml file to the input port of the CDISC-Dataset-XML Creation transformation.
  5. In the diagram, double-click CDISC-Dataset-XML Creation.
    The CDISC-Dataset-XML Creation Properties dialog box appears.
    For detailed information about the Properties dialog box, see the SAS Data Integration Studio: User's Guide or the SAS Data Integration Studio online Help.
  6. Click the Tables tab.
  7. From the Data Standard Type drop-down list, select the data standard version.
  8. From the Study/Submission drop-down list, select the study or submission.
  9. From the Tables list, select the domains or data tables for which to create Dataset-XML files.
  10. Click the Generation tab.
  11. Click Browse adjacent to Output folder, and then navigate to an output folder.
  12. (Optional) Enter a header comment, and then select the output encoding.
  13. (Optional) Choose whether to create a ZIP file, and then choose whether you want to delete the individual Dataset-XML files after the ZIP file is created.
  14. (Optional) Choose whether to check the data lengths of text variables against the metadata.
  15. Click OK, and then click Run.
  16. Verify that there are no errors.
    The Dataset-XML files or ZIP file is created in the output folder.