Comparing the Metadata of a Standard Domain to Its Template

Overview: Comparing the Metadata of a Standard Domain to Its Template

You can compare the metadata of a standard domain to its template and you can refresh the metadata. When you compare the metadata, the standard domain is compared with the standard domain template from which it was created. Then, you can choose to refresh the metadata of the standard domain with the standard domain template metadata.
Refreshing the metadata of a standard domain replaces the metadata of the standard domain (in whole or inpart) with the metadata of the standard domain template. Refreshing the metadata of a standard domain is useful when the properties of the domain have been changed in a way that is no longer applicable.
Note: You can refresh the metadata of a standard domain only if the domain was based on a standard domain template.
Consider the following points when selecting an item to refresh:
  • If you refresh a column, all of its properties are refreshed.
  • To refresh some properties of a column, expand the Columns node, and then select the check boxes for each property that you want to refresh.
  • To update the standard domain metadata to match the standard domain template metadata, select the root node check box.
Note: You must have appropriate permissions to view the Clinical Administration tree. For more information, see Adding Users to the Clinical Administrators Group.

Refresh the Metadata of a Standard Domain

To refresh the metadata of a selected standard domain, perform the following steps:
  1. In the Folders tree, expand a folder, expand a study or submission, and then expand any subfolders to locate a standard domain.
  2. Select a standard domain, right-click, and then select Refresh Domain.
  3. If a message appears stating that the standard domain template from which the domain was created and the standard domain are identical, choose whether to continue or not.
  4. In the Refresh Domain dialog box, expand the nodes in either tree to view the differences.
    Refresh Domain dialog box
  5. (Optional) Click View Differences.
    Only the properties that are different from the domain template appear.
  6. (Optional) In the Standard Domain Template tree, select the check box next to one or more items to refresh.
  7. Click Apply Checked.
    If there are no remaining differences to apply, or if you chose to update the standard domain metadata to match the standard domain template metadata, then the Refresh Domain dialog box changes to view-only mode.
  8. Click Close.