The standard Web log tutorial template enables you to process only
one clickstream log in a job. This template has been provided as a
tutorial intended for learning about the structure of Clickstream
templates and examining the properties of the Clickstream transformations.
You can also use it to make a trial run on a single standard Web log
to determine whether all of the data in the log can be read properly.
The standard
Web log tutorial job template uses a Clickstream Log transformation
to locate the log and a Clickstream Parse transformation to parse
the log data into meaningful columns. It also uses a Clickstream Sessionize
transformation to identify sessions within the data and generate output.
The job also includes Checkpoint transformations to send error notifications
when steps in the job fail.
You can
use this tutorial to process a single standard Web log, regardless
of the log file size. However, this circumstance is very rare in a
production setting. In situations that require you to process multiple
larger logs or enable you to split a single very large log, the standard
Web logs basic template yields better performance because it uses
parallel processing to process multiple logs at the same time. For
more information, see
About Template Jobs.