Reads data from
a clickstream log. Identifies the type of log to be processed. Maps
input columns from the log to the Clickstream Parse Input Columns. Loads an output table with data from the log. For more information,
see Clickstream Log Transformation .
Reads the output
from the Log transformation. Maps the Clickstream Parse Input Columns
to output columns in a target table for continued processing. Filters
unwanted data records from the target table, according to user-defined
rules. Enables the definition of a cookie, a query string, or a referrer
parameter to be parsed and stored as new data items in the target
table. If possible, uniquely identifies the visitor who is associated
with each data record and adds the visitor ID as a new data item in
the target table. For more information, see Clickstream Parse Transformation.
Reads the output
from the Parse transformation. Identifies user sessions. Performs
additional visitor ID analysis. Identifies and manages non-human visitors
(such as spiders). Manages sessions that span Web logs. For more information,
see Clickstream Sessionize Transformation.