Clickstream Transformations

SAS Data Surveyor for Clickstream Data adds a number of transformations to the Transformations tree in SAS Data Integration Studio. Most of these transformations are added to the Clickstream Transformations folder. The Directory Contents transformation is added to the Access folder.
The main clickstream transformations are Clickstream Log, Clickstream Parse, and Clickstream Sessionize. For an overview of these transformations, see A Simple Clickstream Job.
The following table describes the more specialized clickstream transformations. Each of these transformations supports a special task in the template jobs that are installed with the SAS Data Surveyor for Clickstream Data.
Specialized Clickstream Transformations
Clickstream Create Detail transformation
Combines the output from multiple Clickstream Sessionize transformations and creates a single data table. It is used in the Multiple Clickstream Log template job as described in Create Detail and Generate Output.
Clickstream Create Groups transformation
Combines the grouped output from several calls to the Clickstream Parse transformation into a set of output views, one per group. It is used in the Multiple Clickstream Log template job as described in Combine Groups.
Clickstream Setup transformation
Generates the folder structure on the file system to hold the SAS logs and any generated data files. It also generates configuration data if necessary and tests Web log data for the template jobs. Used in Clickstream Setup jobs.
Directory Contents transformation
Generates a SAS data table that contains a numerical listing of the files found in a path or list of paths, and if selected, their subfolders. It is used in the Multiple Clickstream Log template job as described in Prepare Data and Parameter Values to Pass to Loop 1.