Stages in the Single Log Template Job


The Single Log Template Job can be divided into the following stages:

Load and Prepare Clickstream Log Data

The Read Me First note in the job flow contains information needed for the initial setup and modification of this job. The only value described in this note is EMAILADDRESS, which supplies the e-mail address in the Checkpoint transformations in the template. This address is used for failure notification.
The first stage of the single log template process uses a Clickstream Log transformation to locate the clickstream log data and prepare a SAS data table or view that can be processed further.
The transformations in this stage are described in the following table:
Load and Prepare Clickstream Log Data Transformations
Inputs from and Outputs to
Clickstream Log transformation
Extracts the raw Web log data and creates a SAS data table or view.
From: None
To: Clickstream Parse transformation; Checkpoint - Can we recognize the log ? transformation
Checkpoint - Can we recognize the log? transformation
Evaluates the return code from Clickstream Log; sends e-mail to specified address if the log step fails.
From: Clickstream Log transformation
To: Clickstream Parse transformation
The following display shows the portion of the template job that runs this stage:
Load and Prepare Stage Process Flow
Load and Prepare Stage Process Flow

Parse Data

The second stage of the single log template process uses a Clickstream Parse transformation to parse the data and create meaningful columns.
The transformations in this stage are described in the following table:
Parse Data Transformations
Inputs from and Outputs to
Clickstream Parse transformation
Parses the Web log data and transforms it into meaningful columns.
From: Clickstream Log transformation; Checkpoint - Can we recognize the log? transformation
To: Checkpoint - Can we parse the log? transformation; Clickstream Sessionize transformation
Checkpoint - Can we parse the log? transformation
Evaluates the return code from Clickstream Parse; sends e-mail to specified address if the log step fails.
From: Clickstream Parse transformation
To: Clickstream Sessionize transformation
The following display shows the portion of the template job that runs this stage:
Parse Data Stage Process Flow
Parse Data Stage Process Flow

Create Sessions and Generate Output

The third stage of the single log template process uses a Clickstream Sessionize transformation to create sessions for the data and generate output in a detail table.
The transformations in this stage are described in the following table:
Create Sessions and Generate Output Transformations and Tables
Inputs from and Outputs to
Clickstream Sessionize transformation
Identifies sessions within the parsed data and creates a detail data table for further analysis.
From: Clickstream Parse transformation; Checkpoint - Can we parse the log? transformation
To: Checkpoint - Can we identify sessions? transformation; OUTPUT_DETAIL table
Checkpoint - Can we identify sessions? transformation
Evaluates the return code from Clickstream Sessionize - ALL; sends e-mail to specified address if the sessionize step fails.
From: Clickstream Sessionize transformation
To: None
Contains the output from the processed clickstream log file.
From: Clickstream Sessionize transformation
To: None
The following display shows the portion of the template job that runs this stage:
Sessions and Output Stage Process Flow
Sessions and Output Stage Process Flow