Create a Vocabulary, Entities, and Terms

Vocabularies, entities, and terms are the basic building blocks of a business rules database. Vocabularies contain entities, and entities contain terms. In this tutorial, you use the data table HMEQ_SCORE_PROB_OUTPUT, which you registered in Define Data Sources to import the terms for a new vocabulary. Then, you create a new entity and term manually in SAS Business Rules Manager and rename two of the imported terms.
For more information about vocabularies, entities, and terms, see Managing Vocabularies.
Create a New Vocabulary
To create a vocabulary:
  1. Select Business Rulesthen selectVocabularies.
  2. Right-click on your folder in the Tutorials folder, and select New Vocabulary.
  3. Enter HMEQ_Vocab for the vocabulary name, and click OK.
Import Terms From an Input Data Set
The easiest way to create new entities and terms is to import them from an input data set. The following steps import all of the terms in the data table HMEQ_SCORE_PROB_OUTPUT, which you registered in the SAS Metadata Repository in Define Data Sources.
  1. Double-click HMEQ_Vocab to open the vocabulary.
  2. Click import terms to import the vocabulary entities and terms. The Import Terms window appears.
  3. Select HMEQ_SCORE_PROB_OUTPUT as the data source, and enter BadLoans_Test as the entity name.
  4. Select the check box to the left of the Term table header to select all of the terms, and click OK.
    Import Terms window showing the list of terms that is imported from the data set QSTutorial.HMEQ_SCORE_PROB_OUTPUT
    SAS Business Rules Manager imports the terms and adds them to the entity named BadLoans_Test. If you expand the list, you see all of the terms that were imported.
    HMEQ_Vocab window showing the vocabulary after the terms have been imported
  5. Click Close to close the vocabulary.
Create a New Entity and New Terms
In addition to importing terms, you can create entities and terms manually. The following steps create a new entity and two new terms.
  1. In the Business Rules: Vocabularies category view, expand HMEQ_Vocab, right-click the BadLoans_Test entity, and select New Term. The New Term window appears.
  2. Enter DEROG as the term name, select Integer as the data type, and click OK.
  3. Right-click HMEQ_Vocab and select New Entity. The New Entity window appears.
  4. Enter BadLoans_Actions as the entity name, and click OK.
  5. Right-click BadLoans_Actions and select New Term. The New Term window appears.
  6. Enter BadLoanFlag for the term name. Select Boolean for the data type, select Exclude from input, and click OK.
    The HMEQ_Vocab vocabulary now contains two entities and several terms. You can display all of the terms in the vocabulary in the category view.
    Business Rules: Vocabularies category view showing the imported vocabulary terms and the BadLoans_Actions entity and BadLoanFlag term
Last updated: February 22, 2017