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Administering SAS Web Applications

Redeploying the SAS Web Applications

Redeploying EAR Files to a Single Server or Multiple Servers

When the SAS Deployment Manager rebuilds SAS Web applications, the generated EAR files are placed in the SAS-configuration-directory\Lev1\Web\Staging directory. All EAR files are placed in a single directory even if your SAS 9.2 installation included multiple servers (for example, SASServer1 and SASServer2) that were configured with different Web Applications.

If you have multiple managed servers that were installed and configured by the SAS Deployment Wizard in your environment, make a note of the names of the servers and the Web applications that reside on those servers. For example, if you have six applications located on SASServer1 and three Web applications located on SASServer 2, make a list of the applications residing on each of these servers. Alternatively, you can refer to your Instructions.html file, which specifies the following:

When you manually redeploy the SAS Web applications, you can refer to your list or the Instructions.html file, to ensure that you redeploy the EAR files to the correct server.


To redeploy a SAS Web application to JBoss, follow these steps:

  1. Create a directory where you can store unused EAR files. Do not create this directory below the deployment directory or below the JBoss-installation-directory\server\SASServer1\deploy_sas. Instead, choose a different location to store these unused EAR files.

  2. Remove the unused application EAR files from the current deployment directory, and place them in the directory that you created for unused EAR files. Typically, the current deployment directory is JBoss-installation-directory\server\SASServer1\deploy_sas.

  3. If applicable, repeat the previous step for each JBoss server.

  4. Copy all of the new EAR files from the SAS-configuration-directory\Lev1\Web\Staging directory to the JBoss-installation-directory\server\SASServer1\deploy_sas directory. For a list of EAR files, see Names of the EAR Files. If restrictive policies were implemented at your site, you must deploy exploded EAR files instead of unexploded EAR archives. The exploded EAR files reside in the exploded location within the SAS-configuration-directory \Lev1\Web\Staging\exploded directory. For instructions about exploding EAR files, see Working with Exploded EAR Files in a Development Environment. If you are using the second maintenance release for SAS 9.2 or later, the process of rebuilding Web applications in the SAS Deployment Manager automatically results in exploding of the EAR files.

  5. Repeat Step 4 for any additional JBoss application servers (for example, SASServer2) that have SAS applications deployed.

  6. If necessary, restart JBoss. If the JBoss server has been configured for hot deployment, then you do not need to restart JBoss. Step 1 undeploys the application and step 2 redeploys it. However, if hot deployment is not enabled, then you must restart JBoss.

For complete deployment instructions, see the JBoss documentation at


There are a number of ways to redeploy applications in WebLogic. To redeploy SAS applications to WebLogic by using the WebLogic Administration Console, follow these steps:

  1. Stop and delete all SAS applications. See Stop and Delete All SAS Applications.

  2. Shut down the SAS managed servers. See Shut Down the Managed Servers.

  3. Reinstall the SAS applications. See Reinstall the SAS Applications.

  4. Restart the managed servers. See Restart the Managed Servers.

  5. Start the SAS applications. See Start the SAS Applications.

For complete deployment instructions about WebLogic, see the WebLogic documentation at

Stop and Delete All SAS Applications

To stop and delete all SAS applications, follow these steps:

  1. In the WebLogic Administration Console, select Deployments in the Domain Structure panel.

  2. In the Deployments panel, select all applications by selecting the check box next to Name.

  3. On the menu for Stop, select Force Stop Now.

  4. In the Summary of Deployments tab, select Yes.

  5. Wait until all applications display in Prepared state. Refresh the view as needed until all applications reach the Prepared state.

  6. When the managed servers are running, delete all applications by selecting Lock and Edit in the Change Center panel.

  7. In the Deployments panel, select all applications by selecting the check box next to Name.

  8. Click Delete.

  9. In the Delete Application Assistant panel, select Yes.

  10. When the message "Selected deployments were deleted," is displayed, select Activate Changes in the Delete Application Assistant panel.

Shut Down the Managed Servers

It is recommended that you shut down the SAS Managed Servers while the WebLogic Admin Server is running.

To shut down the SAS managed servers while the WebLogic Admin Server running (recommended), follow these steps:

  1. In the Domain Structure panel within the WebLogic Administration Console, select Environment [arrow] Servers in the Domain Structure.

  2. Leave the Admin server running; do not stop it. Then, for each SAS server, complete the following steps:

    1. In the Summary of Servers table, select the server (for example, SASServer1).

    2. Select the Control tab.

    3. From the menu for Shutdown, select Force Shutdown Now.

    4. Click Yes to the prompt Forcibly Shutdown Servers.

    5. Verify that the server has been shut down.

Reinstall the SAS Applications

With the exception of the sas.wip.services9.2 EAR file, all EAR files should be deployed from the SAS-configuration-directory\Lev1\Web\Staging directory. The sas.wip.services9.2 EAR file should be deployed from the SAS-configuration-directory\Lev1\Web\Staging\exploded directory.

To redeploy EAR files and install SAS applications, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Instructions.html file in the SAS-configuration-directory\Lev1\Documents directory, and make a note of the list of SAS applications and their associated servers. This information is available in the Web Application Server section. You need this information when you redeploy and install the EAR files.

  2. In the WebLogic Administration Console, within the Domain Structure panel, select Deployments.

  3. Click Lock and Edit in the Change Center panel.

  4. In the Summary of Deployments panel, click Install.

  5. In the Install Application Assistant panel, browse and navigate to the SAS-configuration-directory\Lev1\Web\Staging directory.

  6. In the Install Application Assistant panel, under Locate deployment to install and prepare for deployment, select an EAR file and click Next.

  7. In the options available for Choose targeting style, retain the default (Install this deployment as an application), and click Next.

  8. See the Instructions.html file to identify the server associated with the EAR file that you are deploying. Typically, for most SAS applications, the target server is SASServer1.

  9. In the Install Application Assistant panel, under Select deployment targets, select the target server and click Next. Typically, SAS applications are deployed to SASServer1.

  10. Under Optional Settings, General, enter a name for the EAR file or the directory for this deployment.

  11. If the Admin server and the managed server are on the same machine, under Source accessibility, select I will make the deployment accessible from the following location and click Next. Note that this is not a staged mode.

  12. Under Review your choices and click Finish, select No, I will review the configuration later, and click Finish.

  13. In the Change Center panel, select Activate Changes. The application should display in a New state.

  14. Repeat these steps to redeploy the other EAR files and install the SAS applications.

Restart the Managed Servers

To restart the managed servers in WebLogic, follow these steps:

  1. In the Domain Structure panel within the WebLogic Administration Console, select Environment [arrow] Servers.

  2. In the Change Center panel, select Activate Changes.

  3. On the Settings page, select the Control tab.

  4. In the Servers table under Summary of Servers, click on the server name (for example, SASServer1).

  5. In the Server Status table, click Start.

  6. In the Server Life Cycle Assistant panel, click Yes.

  7. In the Server Status table, verify that the task has been completed.

  8. If applicable, repeat these steps for other managed servers.

Start the SAS Applications

To start the SAS applications in WebLogic, follow these steps:

  1. In the Domain Structure panel within the WebLogic Administration Console, select Deployments. All SAS applications should display in a Prepared state.

  2. In the Deployments panel, select the check box next to Name. All applications are selected.

  3. From the Start menu, select Servicing All Requests.

  4. In the SAS Application Assistant, select Yes.

Redeploy a SAS Web Application to WebSphere

There are two ways to redeploy a SAS Web application to WebSphere. In the first method, you can update an installed application and select Replace the entire application. With this method, you can maintain all of the application settings, such as the class loader policy and mode for the EAR and WAR modules. In the second method, you undeploy and redeploy each application individually until all of the rebuilt applications have been redeployed.

Although you can redeploy the EAR files in any order of your choice, it is highly recommended that you follow the sequence of EAR files specified for WebSphere. See Deploying EAR Files in the Correct Order.

To redeploy a SAS Web application to WebSphere by undeploying and redeploying each application individually, follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall and then reinstall the application. For instructions, see the WebSphere documentation.

  2. In the WebSphere administrative console, select Applications [arrow] Application Types [arrow] WebSphere enterprise applications. Then select the SAS Web application that you are redeploying.

  3. Click Class loading and update detection.

  4. For the Class loader order, select the Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last) radio button.

  5. Leave the WAR class loader policy set to Class loader for each WAR file in application.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Manage Modules.

  8. For each module (WAR file) listed under Manage Modules, click the WAR file link. Then select Classes loaded with local class loader first from the Class loader order list box.

  9. After you have performed the previous step for each WAR file, click OK.

  10. Select Startup behavior and specify a value for Startup order.

  11. Save your changes.

  12. Perform a full resynchronization of the dmgr and nodeagent WebSphere servers. This action ensures the WAS Master Repository and Node Repository are updated and synchronized. Follow these steps:

    1. In the WebSphere administrative console, select Administration [arrow] Nodes.

    2. Select the check box for the application server node.

    3. Click Full Resynchronize.

When you have completed these instructions, you can restart the application. (For the proper start-up order of the SAS Web applications, see Deploying EAR Files in the Correct Order.)

For complete deployment instructions, see the WebSphere documentation at

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