Generates XML for loading identity updates.
Used by: User synchronization
Requirement: Connection to the metadata server


%MDUCHGLB (CHANGE=libref, TEMP=libref, <FAILEDOBJS=table_name>,
<EXTIDTAG=context_value>, <BLKSIZE=#_of_records>);

Required Argument

specifies the location of the change tables.

Optional Arguments

specifies the location for temporary tables. The default is Work.
is a table that contains the entire contents of any blocks that weren't successfully loaded into the metadata. An error within a block prevents loading of all of the data in that block. The default name for this table is mduchglb_failedobjs.
This table is populated if integrity or completeness requirements aren't met or if a metadata server request failure occurs during processing. To address errors, see How to Synchronize Identities.
Indicates the origin of identity information. The default for this string is IdentityImport.
specifies the number of added or updated objects in a block. Each block of XML is generated and submitted to the metadata server independently. The default is 100.
For Delete operations, BLKSIZE has no effect.