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About This Topic |
This topic is provided for reference and to assist with troubleshooting. This topic does not provide comprehensive, step-by-step instructions for updating managed passwords. The recommended method for updating the passwords that are documented in this topic is to use the password update tool. See Password Updates for Service Accounts.
you directly edit any configuration file, review the configuration file precedence
information in the appendix Configuration
Files in the
SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.
This topic lists only the locations in which the SAS Deployment Manager directly updates passwords. Some passwords are propagated when the utility rebuilds and redeploys the Web applications as part of the automated password update process. This topic doesn't include any additional managed passwords that are introduced by SAS solutions (the administrative documentation for each solution documents any managed passwords that are specific to that solution).
Except where otherwise specified, passwords in configuration files should be in a SAS encoded or encrypted format (the password string should begin with {SAS002} or {SAS003}). However, you should not supply encoded or encrypted password values in SAS Management Console.
Managed Passwords in the SAS Metadata Repository |
The SAS Deployment Manager updates passwords in the following metadata locations:
The passwords for the SAS Administrator and the SAS Trusted User are in the user service definition. To access these settings in SAS Management Console:
On the Plug-ins
tab, select Foundation Services
Manager Remote Services
Core. Right-click User Service and select
On the Service Configuration tab, click the Configuration button.
On the Users tab, select a user ID and click Edit. The Edit User dialog box contains the Password and Confirm Password fields.
The password for the SAS Trusted User is in the content mapping. To access this setting in SAS Management Console:
On the Folders tab, right-click the SAS Folders node and select Properties.
On the Content Mapping tab, if the WebDAV location radio button is selected, the Password and Confirm Password fields are enabled. In the standard configuration, the SAS Trusted User's credentials are used here.
The password for the SAS Server Invoker is in the SAS Server Invoker (sassrv) login. To access this setting in SAS Management Console:
On the Plug-ins tab, select User Manager.
In the display area, right-click the SAS General Servers group and select Properties.
On the Accounts tab, select the login and click Edit. The Login Properties dialog box contains the Password and Confirm Password fields.
Note: The
SAS General Servers group often has multiple
logins. The SAS Deployment Manager can update only those logins that were
designated as server launch credentials through the installation processes.
Because these passwords are stored only in the metadata, you can choose to
maintain them interactively in SAS Management Console (instead of with the
SAS Deployment Manager).
The password for the SAS Anonymous Web User is in the SAS Anonymous Web User's login (if this identity exists and has an external account). To access the login in SAS Management Console:
On the Plug-ins tab, select User Manager.
In the display area, right-click the SAS Anonymous Web User and select Properties. Not all deployments include this identity.
On the Accounts tab, if there is an entry in the logins table, click Edit. The Login Properties dialog box contains the Password and Confirm Password fields. Usually this identity has an internal account and no logins.
If you use a SAS internal account for any of these identities, that account's password is stored as part of that identity's user definition. To access an internal account password in SAS Management Console:
On the Plug-ins tab, select User Manager.
In the display area, right-click the user who owns the internal account and select Properties.
At the bottom of the Accounts tab, click Update. The Internal Account Properties dialog box contains the New Password and Confirm Password fields.
If you are using a standard configuration of scheduling with Platform Suite for SAS (with SAS Web Report Studio), the password for the LSF user is in a login on the LSF Services group. To access this setting in SAS Management Console:
On the Plug-ins tab, select User Manager.
In the display area, right-click the LSFServices group and select Properties.
On the Accounts tab, select the login that is in the authentication domain name LSFServicesAuthWRS, and click Edit. The Login Properties dialog box contains the Password and Confirm Password fields.
Note: The SAS Deployment Manager can update this
login only if it was created through the installation processes.
Managed Passwords in the SAS Configuration Directories |
The SAS Deployment Manager updates passwords in the following SAS configuration files. Not all deployments include all components. In a multi-machine deployment, not all directories exist on all machines. If you complete the instructions in How to Reduce Exposure of the SASTRUST Password, the first two rows in the table are no longer applicable.
Note: The table uses default names, generic casing,
and generic path formats. It omits the initial part of the path (your equivalent
of SAS/Config/Lev1/).
Configuration File That Contains a Password | Account: Location of Password |
sasv9_meta.cfg |
SAS Trusted User: metapass |
ObjectSpawner/metadataConfig.xml |
SAS Trusted User: Password in the Login entry |
ConnectSpawner/metadataConfig.xml |
SAS Trusted User: Password in the Login entry |
Web/Applications/RemoteServices/jps.properties |
SAS Trusted User: omr_password |
Web/Common/login.config |
SAS Trusted User: trustedpw |
Web/Common/SASDomain/weblogicLogin.config |
SAS Trusted User: trustedpw |
SASMeta/MetadataServer/metaparms.sas1 |
SAS Administrator: OMAAPW |
1 This supports functions (such as pause, resume, backup, restore, and status) that are implemented as an execution of a SAS session with the METAOPERATE or METADATA procedure, or the OMABACKUP macro. |
Additional Managed Passwords in the Web Environment |
The SAS Deployment Manager updates passwords in the following additional locations:
The SAS Trusted User's password is in the JAAS configuration as follows:
For JBoss, the password is in the login-config.xml file (for example, at \jboss-4.2.0.GA\server\SASServer1\conf\login-config.xml).
For WebLogic, the password is in the weblogicLogin.config file in the SAS configuration directory (for example, at SAS/BIServer/Lev1/Web/Common/SASDomain/weblogicLogin.config).
For WebSphere, the SAS Deployment Manager rebuilds the following JAAS Login Modules with the updated password:
SAS Content Server (SCS): com.sas.services.security.login.OMILoginModule
Platform Foundation Services (PFS): com.sas.services.security.login.OMILoginModule
Platform Foundation Services (PFS): com.sas.services.security.login.TrustedLoginModule
To access these settings in the WebSphere administration
navigate to the modules under Security Secure administration, applications and infrastructure
Authentication and Authorization Service
Application logins
| SCS>
JAAS login modules
The SAS Trusted User's password might be in a JDBC data source definition as follows:
For JBoss, the password would be in the SharedServices-ds.xml file (for example, at \jboss-4.2.0.GA\server\SASServer1\deploy\SharedServices-ds.xml).
For WebLogic, you can access the setting in WebLogic administrative console.
For WebSphere, you can access the setting
in the WebSphere administrative console under Resources JDBC
J2C authentication
SASAppSrv01Node/SASJAAS. In some releases of WebSphere, SAS encoded or encrypted
password values are not supported in this context.
Note: Not all deployments include
a JDBC data source definition. If MySQL is used, the MySQL password is stored
instead of the SAS Trusted User's password.
The SAS Trusted User's password is in the environment properties
secure.password, omr_password, and server.admin.password. If you use the SAS
Anonymous Web User, that user's password
is in the environment property web.anonymous.password. Like all of the passwords in this topic, these passwords
should be managed through the SAS Deployment Manager. As a last resort, these
passwords can also be accessed through a specialized XML metadata
interface (under Foundation Services 9.2 PropertySets
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