smu Command Notes

Follow these notes when running the SAS Software Migration Utility:
  • The SAS Migration Utility command line has a 254-character limit. Command line input that exceeds this length causes the utility to fail. If your input exceeds 254 characters, use a migration utility properties file. For more information, see Running the Migration Utility Using a Properties File.
  • The current SAS Metadata Server must be running when you invoke the migration utility.
  • On SAS multiple-machine deployments, run the migration utility first on the machine hosting the SAS Metadata Server.
  • You must run the migration utility from its executable directory.
    By default, this is the utilities directory in your SAS Software Depot.
    Note: On UNIX and z/OS, if you have not already, remember to assign file Execute permissions to before attempting to run the migration utility. For more information, refer to your UNIX or z/OS documentation.
  • The migration utility must be run on every machine that is running SAS using the same output directory (SMU.Output.Dir).
    For SAS multiple-machine deployments, we recommend that you install the utility on shared network storage that is accessible from every SAS machine to avoid having to install the migration utility separately on each machine.
  • On SAS multiple-machine deployments, the migration utility must be able to write to (and read from) its output directory.
    We recommend that the utility output directory be on shared network storage accessible to every SAS machine in the deployment.
  • When specifying the metadata server to connect to, it is a best practice to use a fully qualified host name or an IP address. Do not refer to the metadata server as localhost or its IP equivalent (, unless all of the machines in your SAS deployment are able to connect to the server using that host name.
  • On the migration utility command line, enclose any paths containing spaces in double quotation marks. (Paths containing spaces in properties files do not require double quotation marks.)
    Note: A backslash immediately followed by a double quotation marks (\") is not allowed in the migration utility command line. Avoid ending Windows paths with a trailing backslash on the command line. (This limitation does not apply to migration utility property files.)
  • Metadata server connection information must be provided to the migration utility through one of the following methods:
    • the connection-related command-line options (-metadatahost, -user, and so on.)
      Note: The migration utility accepts passwords that are encrypted using PROC PWENCODE.
    • a migration utility properties file.
    • a SAS client connection profile.
      (The client connection profile must be created and saved on the machine on which you are running the migration utility.)
  • The machine on which you run the migration utility must have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4.2 Update 9 (or later).
    You can download the necessary JRE from the SAS Third-Party Software Web site .
  • On UNIX, modify the PATH environment variable such that the directory containing the Java binary is the first JRE found. Verify your setting by executing from the UNIX shell prompt: which java
  • It is recommended that you use the -replace command-line option when invoking the migration utility. This ensures that output from any previous migration utility invocations that specified the same output directory and tier directory is overwritten.
  • When migrating from SAS 9.1.3, to create a migration package on the WebDAV tier, use -davtier or SMU.isdavtier.
    There are certain WebDAV properties for which there are no command-line equivalents: the SMU.DAV.* properties use standard WebDAV extraction and SMU.WFS.XythosHome causes the migration utility to extract WebDAV content using a Xythos-specific mechanism that is more efficient. For more information, see Running the Migration Utility Using a Properties File.