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Managing Your SAS Deployment |
About Configuring SAS Products |
You can configure SAS products that are new to your deployment, or configure SAS products that you are updating or upgrading:
Configure New SAS Products |
Follow these steps to use the SAS Deployment Wizard to configure SAS products that you have already installed.
Make sure that the machine where you want to add the new SAS 9.2 software contains the necessary user accounts, groups, and ports.
For more information, see Setting Up Users, Groups, and Ports.
Make a backup copy of your SAS 9.2 configuration directories by using your site-approved method. Your SAS configuration directories are all the child directories beneath the configuration path that was specified during the initial SAS 9.2 deployment on the Specify Configuration Information wizard page.
Back up your metadata repository and repository manager on the SAS Metadata Server machine. For more information, see Best Practices for Backing Up and Restoring Your System in the SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.
If you are reconfiguring SAS Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint that was deployed manually, read the following topic before proceeding: Reconfigure a Manual Deployment of SAS Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint in the SAS Intelligence Platform: Web Application Administration Guide.
Make sure that your SAS server and middle tiers are running.
For more information, see Operating Your Servers in the SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.
Make sure that you use a deployment plan that contains any add-on products as well as all original products for the machine that you are configuring.
SAS 9.2 Products Being Added | Location of My Deployment Plan |
Are part of my original SAS 9.2 order | In the plan_files directory in the original SAS Software Depot |
Are on a machine where a SAS 9.2 server, middle tier, or data tier already resides | In the SAS configuration directory in the Utilities directory |
Are part of my new SAS 9.2 order | In the plan_files directory in the SAS Software Depot |
Log on to the machine on which you want to add the new SAS 9.2 products as the SAS Installer user. This is the user with which your SAS deployment was installed. For more information, see Required External User Accounts for SAS.
Start the SAS Deployment Wizard from the highest-level directory in your SAS Software Depot using the command appropriate for your operating system.
Note: If you want to use a different Java Runtime Environment, you must
invoke the deployment wizard with a special startup option, -forcejreprompt
. For more information, see Specify a Different JRE.
Operating System | Command |
Windows |
setup.exe -record -deploy |
setup.sh -record -deploy |
z/OS |
setup.rexx -record -deploy To use a temporary directory other than /tmp, specify -templocation new-temp-dir. |
For more information, see Creating SAS Software Depots.
You should see a welcome page similar to the following:
Select the language that you want the SAS Deployment Wizard to use when it displays text.
Select Install SAS Software.
If you have more than one SAS software order in your depot, the wizard prompts you to select the order that you want to configure.
If the wizard detects that there are SAS software products in your order that are more recent than what you have deployed on your machine, then the wizard automatically goes into update mode.
For more information, see Adding, Updating, and Upgrading SAS Software.
If you need to install product updates, then follow these steps:
Install the updates using the SAS Deployment Wizard.
For more information, see Planning for Maintenance Releases and Product Upgrades for SAS 9.2.
When you are finished performing any required manual configuration steps, rerun the SAS Deployment Wizard.
Select Perform a Planned Deployment and Configure SAS Software.
Note: Make sure that Install SAS Software
Specify the type of deployment plan you are using.
customized deployment plan
Choose Specify the full path to a customized deployment plan, and then click Browse to navigate to the plan file.
standard deployment plan
Choose Select a standard deployment plan, and then choose the appropriate plan in the drop-down list.
If there are multiple machines in your SAS deployment, select the machine on which you are configuring.
The deployment wizard lists the SAS products in your order that should be installed on the machine.
Choose either the Typical or the Custom configuration prompting level. You want to be able to access the configuration page where you can set the SAS Metadata Server. The Express prompt level does not allow you to access this SAS server configuration setting.
Note: When reconfiguring SAS 9.2 products, make sure that you
specify the metadata repository name if the one you are using has a name other
than the default (Foundation). To access the deployment wizard page to specify
a custom repository name, choose the Custom configuration prompting level.
Refer to Interactive Prompting Levels for more information about the SAS Deployment Wizard prompting levels.
On the Specify Configuration Information page, specify the configuration directory and level for your current SAS deployment to which you are adding the new configuration.
If you are adding the products you are configuring to an existing SAS deployment, you are asked to confirm your selection.
In the Select Products to Configure page, choose only those products that you want to configure on the machine.
The SAS Deployment Wizard has queried the metadata about your current configuration and checked the appropriate products to be configured.
We recommend that you accept the product selections displayed on this page.
Note: Any time that you configure your deployment you must also
configure your Web application server, even if your configuration does not
involve your SAS middle tier. If you manually configured the Web application
server when you deployed SAS 9.2, then configure it again manually. If the
deployment wizard automatically configured your Web application server, then
choose the automatic configuration
Provide the remaining configuration information as the wizard prompts you for it. (The actual number of configuration pages you must provide input for depends on the prompt level that you chose.) For more information, see Install and Configure SAS Interactively.
When you see the Deployment Summary page, the deployment wizard has finished collecting configuration input. This is the last opportunity to go back and change any information you have provided in previous pages before the wizard begins writing to your system.
Make one of the following choices:
Select Start to begin writing the configuration to the current machine.
Select Back to navigate to earlier wizard pages to change configuration information previously entered.
Select Cancel to terminate the wizard session. Note that you will lose configuration information previously entered.
When you see a page similar to the following, the SAS Deployment Wizard is finished:
Click Next to go to the Additional Resources page.
Click Review Manual Configuration Instructions and complete any necessary manual configuration steps.
The SAS Deployment Wizard writes the Instructions.html file to the Documents directory on the SAS configuration path. For example:
UNIX and z/OS:
Note: The
wizard backs up your previous Instructions.html
file to the Backup subdirectory under the Documents directory on the SAS configuration path (for example,
Click Finish to close the deployment wizard.
When you are configuring SAS Web applications, restart the SAS Services Application (Remote Services).
On Windows, you must restart the SAS Services Application (Remote Services) from a Windows command line, using the RemoteServices.bat -start command. For more information, see Starting or Stopping the SAS Services Application in the SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.
For multi-machine deployments, back up your metadata repository and your SAS configuration directory before you run the SAS Deployment Wizard on the next machine called for by your deployment plan.
Make a backup copy of your SAS 9.2 configuration directories by using your site-approved method. Your SAS configuration directories are all the child directories beneath the path that you specified earlier in this procedure on the Specify Configuration Information wizard page.
Back up your metadata repository and repository manager on the SAS Metadata Server machine. For more information, see Best Practices for Backing Up and Restoring Your System in the SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.
When you are finished completing any manual configuration tasks, and you have made the necessary backups, repeat these steps listed in this topic on each machine defined in your deployment plan.
When you are finished installing and configuring SAS on each machine called for in your deployment plan, proceed to the section, Validate the SAS 9.2 Servers.
Note: If you encounter error messages about your SAS
license expiring,
you might need to perform another procedure to correct this. For more information,
see About Adding a SAS Solution to Your Deployment.
Configure Updated or Upgraded SAS Products |
Follow these steps to use the SAS Deployment Manager to configure SAS products for which you have already installed updates or upgrades.
Make a backup copy of your SAS 9.2 configuration directories by using your site-approved method. Your SAS configuration directories are all the child directories beneath the configuration path that was specified during the initial SAS 9.2 deployment on the Specify Configuration Information wizard page.
Back up your metadata repository and repository manager on the SAS Metadata Server machine. For more information, see Best Practices for Backing Up and Restoring Your System in the SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.
Make sure that your SAS server and middle tiers are running.
For more information, see Operating Your Servers in the SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.
If you are reconfiguring SAS Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint that was deployed manually, read the following topic before proceeding: Reconfigure a Manual Deployment of SAS Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint in the SAS Intelligence Platform: Web Application Administration Guide.
Log on to the machine on which you want to update the SAS product configuration as the SAS Installer user. This is the user with which your SAS deployment was installed and updated. For more information, see Required External User Accounts for SAS.
On the host machine for the products whose configurations you are updating, navigate to SAS-installation-directory/SASDeploymentManager/9.2 and launch config.exe (Windows), config.sh (UNIX), or config.rexx (z/OS). On Windows, you can use the shortcut on the Start menu.
In the SAS Deployment Manager, select Update Existing Configuration.
In the next page, specify the configuration directory and the level (for example, Lev1) that you want to update.
Note: Any time that you configure your deployment you must also configure
your Web application server, even if your configuration does not involve your
SAS middle tier. If you manually configured the Web application server when
you deployed SAS 9.2, then configure it again manually. If the deployment
wizard automatically configured your Web application server, then choose the
automatic configuration
If you are running in a UNIX environment, restart the SAS Metadata Server:
At a UNIX prompt, navigate to the directory where the SAS Metadata Server is configured.
Type ./MetadataServer.sh start .
In the next page, enter the user ID and password for an unrestricted administrative user.
If you are configuring a SAS product that involves the WebSphere Web application server, you are prompted if you are using WebSphere Admin Security. Make your selection and click Next.
If you are using WebSphere Admin Security, then on the Web Application Server Administrator page, enter the user ID and password for the administrator and click Next.
When you see the Summary page, the deployment manager has finished collecting configuration input. This is the last opportunity to go back and change any information you have provided in previous pages before the manager begins writing to your system.
Make one of the following choices:
Select Start to begin writing the configuration to the current machine.
Select Back to navigate to earlier manager pages to change configuration information previously entered.
Select Cancel to terminate the manager session. Note that you will lose configuration information previously entered.
During the configuration process, SAS automatically restarts your SAS servers, configures your Web application servers, and rebuilds and redeploys your SAS Web applications.
When you see a page similar to the following, the SAS Deployment Manager is finished:
Click Next to go to the Additional Resources page.
If your configuration:
encountered errors
The first link on the Additional Resources page goes to the ConfigurationErrors.html file. Click this link and follow the instructions to debug your configuration.
encountered no errors
The first link on the Additional Resources page goes to the UpdateInstructions.html file. Click this link and follow the instructions to complete any manual steps necessary to complete your configuration.
The SAS Deployment Manager writes its HTML pages to the Documents directory on the SAS configuration path. For example:
UNIX and z/OS:
Note: The
manager backs up your previous HTML files
to the Backup subdirectory under the Documents directory on the SAS configuration path (for example,
Click Finish to close the deployment manager.
Detailed log messages are written to a file called product-name_updateConfigure_date-and-time.log, where product-name identifies the product that was configured. The deployment manager writes this file to SAS-configuration-directory\Levn\Logs\Configure.
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Copyright © 2011 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.